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Electronic Resources Blog


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UCL now has access to Statista

By Sarah Gilmore, on 28 February 2020

UCL now has access to Statista.

Statista is an online portal for statistics consolidating statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and covering over 170 different industries

4 Responses to “UCL now has access to Statista”

  • 1
    Chandni Hindocha wrote on 10 March 2020:

    Does UCL have unrestricted access? When I am using it, its asking for a voucher code and won’t give me access to the premium features such as the “data source”.

  • 2
    Sarah Gilmore wrote on 7 April 2020:

    Hello, UCL now has a subscription to Statista and the full content is available. If you have any problems please email lib-eresource-help@ucl.ac.uk and the team will be able to assist you. Best wishes, Sarah

  • 3
    AJ wrote on 8 May 2020:

    Hi there,
    AS UCL students – do we have access to indiastat.com?

    Please confirm.


  • 4
    Sarah Gilmore wrote on 1 July 2020:

    Hello AJ, unfortunately UCL does not have access to indiastat.com . Please contact your Subject Specialist Librarian if you would like to express your interest in this resource: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/subject-support/subject-guides . Best wishes

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