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Electronic Resources Blog


News and information about ejournals, databases and ebooks at UCL


Access to eresources

By Catherine Sharp, on 1 August 2009

UCL now no longer uses the Athens login for access to electronic resources. You may still see links labelled “Athens login” on various resources, but UCL users must take a different route to log in. Why has this changed?

UCL users are advised to access resources through the lists of ejournals and databases available on MetaLib. This will guarantee that you get free access to all the resources to which you are entitled as a member of UCL. If you are on-site you will not need to log in to resources. If you are off-site, you will be prompted for your UCL userid and password automatically (no cookies are required, unlike Athens).

If you use another route to reach an electronic resource to which UCL subscribes, in many cases you will be able to use a new institutional login method.  Follow these instructions:  Logging in on a resource’s homepage.  A few resources do not use this new institutional login. For these, you should use the links in the lists of databases and ejournals in MetaLib, or the links on the page of instructions for specific resources.

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