Social and Historical Sciences backfiles
By Catherine Sharp, on 8 September 2008
UCL Library Services has bought the following Sage backfiles (older journal content):
Body and Society Vol. 1, 1995-
East European Politics and Societies Vol. 1, 1986-
European Journal of International Relations Vol. 1, 1995-
Journal of Material Culture Vol. 1, 1996-
Journal of Theoretical Politics Vol. 1, 1989-
Progress in Human Geography Vol. 1, 1977-
Public Understanding of Science Vol. 1, 1992-
Sociology Vol. 1, 1967-
Theory, Culture and Society Vol. 1, 1982-
UCL also now has access to these Wiley-Blackwell backfiles:
Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 1, 1966-
Kyklos Vol. 1, 1947-
Manchester School, The Vol. 1, 1930-
Scottish Journal of Political Economy Vol. 1, 1954-
Economic Inquiry Vol. 1, 1962-
Bulletin of Economic Research Vol. 1, 1948-
Fiscal Studies Vol. 1, 1979-
World Economy, The Vol. 1, 1977-
Review of Income and Wealth Vol. 1, 1951-