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IOE Blog


Expert opinion from IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society


How does it feel to be in the bottom group? A new project investigates

By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 23 April 2018

23 April 2018

By Eleanore Hargreaves with Denise Buchanan and Laura Quick

Children are not often asked to voice their true opinions at school, especially not about school. In my own previous research, I found that primary school pupils could voice valuable and sometimes shocking insights into their own classroom experiences. Such insights came from some pupils in ‘bottom ability’ groups who expressed a sense of being treated as different, and less worthy, by their teachers. They also perceived that other pupils looked down on them, which undermined their confidence and sometimes made them unhappy. For example, Jack, a nine-year old pupil, explained:

‘I thought I was okay but it turned out I wasn’t. I tried my hardest and now I just had to move down [to the ‘lowest ability’ group]. People have laughed at me every day for two weeks’.

Several new studies have highlighted the way grouping disadvantages those deemed “less able” – for example, the IOE’s Best Practice in Grouping Students project, which asked teachers about their practices. In our new project, which began this month, (more…)