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UCL Careers


Find Your Future


Mastering Online Careers Networking | CareersLab

By skye.aitken, on 27 April 2020

Written by Joe O’Brien, Marketing Communications Assistant at UCL Careers

Online networking is an amazing tool for remaining plugged into your career thinking, perhaps now more than ever. Networking itself can be thought of as the interaction between the personal and the professional, and can help you open the toughest of doors, gain mentors, learn the language of a sector – and help you access the 80% or so of roles that are never advertised. In this video, Raj talks you through what online networking means, and how to make it work for you.

We’re posting a new CareersLab video every week on the UCL Careers YouTube channel and right here on the UCL Careers blog.

If you’re a UCL student or recent graduate and you have a question you’d like Raj to answer in a future CareersLab video then please email us at careers.marketing@ucl.ac.uk.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and the UCL Careers Newsletter so you never miss an episode.

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