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Archive for the 'Mathematical & Physical Sciences' Category

Another successful launch for UCL space technology

By Oli Usher, on 21 July 2014

The UK Technology Strategy Board’s TechDemoSat-1, featuring the UCL-built Charged Particle Spectrometer, was successfully launched from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on 8 July. A video of the launch is now available from Roscosmos.

Jupiter’s icy moons: a promising location for extraterrestrial life?

By Oli Usher, on 11 July 2014

What Cassini did for the Saturn system in the 2000s, the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (or JUICE for short)  will do for Jupiter in the 2030s.

Artist's impression of JUICE in the Jupiter system. Credit: ESA (All Rights Reserved)

Artist’s impression of JUICE in the Jupiter system. Credit: ESA (All Rights Reserved)

The European Space Agency mission is currently being developed, with a 2022 launch planned. It will study Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, three of the largest moons in the Solar System. (Ganymede, which JUICE will orbit in 2032, is so big it is larger even than the planet Mercury).

Europa will be a particularly interesting target – the moon is covered by a thick crust of water ice, which may conceal an ocean of liquid water. If so, this could make it one of the most promising location in the Solar System for extraterrestrial life. It is thought that conditions below the ice could be similar to those in Antarctica’s Lake Vostok – a vast body of water that has remained totally covered by 4km of ice for millions of years, but which still harbours life.

UCL will provide detectors for JUICE’s scientific payload (in the form of the IRF-led Particle Environment Package) and will play scientific roles in the Imperial-designed J-MAG instrument, as well as the JANUS imager. It will also contribute more generally to the design of the craft.

As with Cassini, UCL’s contribution will focus largely on electromagnetic phenomena, including the interaction of Jupiter’s satellites with the Jupiter magnetosphere, and the effect of Jupiter on the moons’ atmospheres. The instrumentation will also play a key role in studying the oceans on Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

UCL is hosting the Alfvén conference this week, in which experts in planetary magnetic fields and plasmas are coming together to discuss the latest news from missions including plans for JUICE.

Exploring the environs of Titan

By Oli Usher, on 10 July 2014

Last year, after almost a decade of studying Saturn and its moons, the plasma spectrometer onboard the Cassini probe broke down. This was far beyond its planned lifespan of four years – and what’s more, it may yet have second life, with plans to revive it near the end of the mission in 2017.

In addition to its long service at Saturn, the instrument had also survived the long journey through space that had begun in 1997 – a journey in which it was subjected to the harsh environment of interplanetary space, passed Venus twice and made measurements during Earth and Jupiter swingbys.

Artist's impression of Cassini at Saturn. Credit: NASA (public domain)

Artist’s impression of Cassini at Saturn. Credit: NASA (public domain)

Scientists at UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory took a lead role in the hardware development and the science team for the electron spectrometer, and while it is no longer operating, there is still plenty of work to do on the data it gathered. In particular, the detector’s studies of Saturn’s moon Titan are expected to yield further secrets.

Cassini – a NASA-led Saturn orbiter – released an ESA-built lander called Huygens to land on Titan when it arrived in the Saturn system in 2005. Huygens took the first ever picture on the surface of a body in the outer Solar System. (It is also the only landing to-date on another planet’s Moon.)

Huygens photo of Titan's surface. Credit:      NASA/JPL/ESA/University of Arizona (public domain)

Huygens photo of Titan’s surface. Credit: NASA/JPL/ESA/University of Arizona (public domain)

But what the Cassini probe is able to do from space, which Huygens could not on the ground, is analyse the complex interaction of Titan’s thick atmosphere with the magnetic field of Saturn. Titan is surprisingly Earth-like, despite being quite small. It has a thick atmosphere and an icy, rocky surface, as well as mountains, seas, lakes and rivers (though these are made of liquid hydrocarbons such as methane, rather than water).

Hydrocarbon lakes on Titan, observed by the radar onboard Cassini. Radars do not produce colour images - in this picture, the smooth areas (lakes and rivers) have been coloured blue to improve contrast. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS (public domain)

Hydrocarbon lakes on Titan, observed by the radar onboard Cassini. Radars do not produce colour images – in this picture, the smooth areas (lakes and rivers) have been coloured blue to improve contrast. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS (public domain)

But while Earth’s atmosphere is cocooned well inside our planet’s magnetic field, protecting it from the Solar wind and from interactions with other Solar System bodies, Titan’s is not. Titan spends most of its orbit within Saturn’s hot magnetosphere, meaning its atmosphere interacts with the giant planet it orbits, including the plasma and magnetic field that surrounds it. This makes Titan’s atmosphere very ‘leaky‘ compared to Earth’s.

A recent fly-by of Titan by Cassini while the moon was orbiting outside Saturn’s magnetosphere reveal another intriguing phenomenon: the Solar wind blowing part of Titan’s atmosphere away, leaving a comet-like plume of gas coming from it.

UCL is hosting the Alfvén conference this week, in which experts in planetary magnetic fields and plasmas are coming together to discuss the latest results from missions including Cassini.


Venus is losing its atmosphere

By Oli Usher, on 9 July 2014

Mars, Earth and Venus are very similar in many respects.

They are all rocky planets of roughly similar size; all three have atmospheres, weather and seasons, as well as extensive ranges of mountains and canyons on their surfaces.

But in other respects they are quite different.

Earth’s atmosphere is generally placid. But on Mars, it is so thin that liquid water cannot exist at any temperature, and on Venus, the atmospheric pressure is equivalent to diving almost 1000 metres into the ocean. On Mars, temperatures rarely venture above 0°C and can drop below -100°C; Venus meanwhile has surface temperatures of over 450°C, hot enough to melt lead.

The thin atmosphere of Mars is thought to be due to the planet’s lack of a magnetic field, which has allowed the Solar wind to blow away much of the gas the planet once had.

Venus, despite still having a thick atmosphere of CO2, surprisingly has a similar problem. Venus also lacks a magnetic field, and it is losing gas at a similar rate to the red planet.

The interaction of the Solar wind with the Venusian atmosphere has been studied by the Venus Express probe, which has been orbiting the planet since 2006.

Computer rendering of ESA's Venus Express probe. Credit: public domain (Celestia)

Computer rendering of ESA’s Venus Express probe. Credit: public domain (Celestia)

Like many ESA space missions, UCL was intimately involved in the design and construction of the scientific apparatus on board. In the case of Venus Express, this involved a leading role in the development of the electron spectrometer on board, as well as building the shielding and carrying out the calibration for the detector.

This detector has been able to measure the varying rate at which the atmosphere is being lost.

Venus Express is currently entering the final stages of its mission. The spacecraft is being brought progressively closer to the planet’s surface, skimming through the upper atmosphere. The friction of the tenuous gas is enough to heat the probe up, and to further slow it down, bringing it closer still. This process of aerobraking will eventually destroy Venus Express, but in the process, its instruments will be able to gather valuable scientific data about the planet’s upper atmosphere, including – thanks to the electron spectrometer – its electrical properties.


No NASA or ESA probe has ever reached the surface of Venus. But a series of bold Soviet missions in the 1960s, 70s and 80s made several landings on the surface, as well as a balloon that floated through the planet’s atmosphere. The Venera probes revealed a rock-strewn landscape in the few minutes they were able to survive before being destroyed by the high temperatures and pressures there. More information on the Venera 13 and Venera 14 pictures held by UCL’s planetary science archives can be found on the archives’ space history webpages.

Photograph of the surface of Venus from Venera 13. Photo: public domain (National Space Science Data Center)

Photograph of the surface of Venus from Venera 13. Photo: public domain (UCL/NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility)

Mars Express and the magnetism of the red planet

By Oli Usher, on 8 July 2014

Planet Earth is a vast magnet with a strong magnetic field surrounding it. As well as making compasses point north and guiding solar particles to the poles, creating the aurorae, the magnetic field protects our atmosphere. Shielded from the solar wind and from solar and galactic cosmic rays, Earth’s atmosphere is thick and life-sustaining and is not at any risk of being blown into space.

Mars – an Earth-like planet in many other respects – has lacked such a global magnetic field for about 3.8 billion years. Its atmosphere is thin – less than 1% of the atmospheric pressure we have on Earth – leaving a cold, hostile and barren surface.

The magnetic fields of Earth (left) and Mars (right). Earth has a strong, planet-wide magnetic field that shields our atmosphere from the Solar wind. Mars has only small localised areas of magnetism. Credit: NASA/GSFC (public domain)

The magnetic fields of Earth (left) and Mars (right). Earth has a strong, planet-wide magnetic field that shields our atmosphere from the Solar wind. Mars has only small localised areas of magnetism called crustal fields, meaning its atmosphere interacts directly with the Solar wind. Credit: NASA/GSFC (public domain)

The lack of magnetic field makes Mars different from Earth in other respects too. In fact, in some ways Mars behaves much like a comet: since the Solar wind interacts directly with the atmosphere a comet-like tail of gas is constantly being blown off the planet (albeit not to the extent of a comet as it passes near the Sun).

UCL researchers have studied the behaviour of Mars and its interaction with the Solar wind for many years, including through participation in the European Space Agency’s Mars Express mission. Orbiting Mars since 2003, the mission has been a huge success (unlike the Beagle 2 lander it carried), and like many missions it carries UCL hardware contributions. This comes in the form of a sensor in the ASPERA-3 instrument, for which UCL carried out calibration and blackening (to prevent internal reflections degrading observations) prior to launch.

Computer rendering of the Mars Express probe. Credit: NASA/JPL (public domain)

Computer rendering of the Mars Express probe. Credit: NASA/JPL (public domain)

The ASPERA-3 instrument has helped UCL scientists study Martian magnetic anomalies called crustal fields. These are small, localised magnetic fields on the surface of Mars which interact with the Solar wind and material escaping the Martian atmosphere. It has also observed how the faint ‘tail’ of material streaming from Mars has photoelectrons caused by the Sun.

UCL is also involved in the exploration of the Martian surface – it leads the team building the main camera for the ExoMars Rover, Europe’s first Mars rover, which touches down in 2019.

The Alfvén conference, being held at UCL this week, is bringing together experts from around the world in the field of electrical, magnetic and plasma interactions in the Solar System. Today’s focus is Mars. Among the presentations will be new research on the data sent back by Mars Express, as well as the latest news from NASA’s MAVEN mission and India’s Mars Orbiter Mission, both on route to the red planet with expected arrival in September 2014.

This evening there will be a public lecture at UCL about the Rosetta mission, which is currently approaching Comet C-G. Matt Taylor, the scientific leader of Rosetta, will outline the probe’s amazing ten year journey, outline Rosetta’s scientific goals and explain why comets are such an important window into the distant past of our Solar System. The lecture is free and open to all, but please reserve your seat as spaces are limited.

Rosetta: The best ever opportunity to study a comet

By Oli Usher, on 7 July 2014

The European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission, coming to its climax only now, a decade after launch, will have a number of scientific firsts: the first probe to follow a comet around the Sun while it orbits, the first to orbit a cometary nucleus, and the first to deploy a lander on the comet’s surface.

UCL has made a major contribution to the scientific programme the spacecraft, thanks to its long-standing expertise in plasma physics. Much of this expertise was gained in a previous space mission.

Artist's concept of the Giotto spacecraft approaching Comet Halley. Credit: Andrzej Mirecki (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Artist’s concept of the Giotto spacecraft approaching Comet Halley. Credit: Andrzej Mirecki (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

In 1986, the Giotto probe flew by Comet Halley, giving the first ever close-up view of a comet’s nucleus. UCL built the probe’s Fast Ion Sensor and led the Johnstone Plasma Analyser team. Thanks to this detector, scientists were able to study the interaction between the comet and the solar wind as the comet ploughed through it, including the enormous bow-shock in front of the comet that extended for around a million kilometres, and the processes by which cometary ions are ‘picked up’ by the solar wind.

Rosetta should give us a lot more than this. Two decades of technological progress mean sharper photos and more sensitive instruments. But the major improvement is in how long the probe will be able to study the comet for, as well as its close-up study of the comet’s ionosphere. Giotto made only a relatively short flyby of Halley, in large part because the comet’s orbit is highly inclined and moves in the opposite direction to Earth’s, and it only passes through the plane of the Solar System on two brief occasions every 76 years. Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Rosetta’s target, is in an orbit that is easier to rendezvous with, which means – with some admittedly difficult and time-consuming orbital mechanics – Rosetta can be brought into orbit around it.

This, in turn, means the changes in the comet, including the growth of its coma, and plasma (gas) and dust tails, can be charted in detail as it proceeds around the Sun.

Computer rendering of the Rosetta spacecraft. Credit: public domain (Celestia)

Computer rendering of the Rosetta spacecraft. Credit: public domain (Celestia)

UCL scientists at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory are particularly closely involved in the Rosetta Plasma Collaboration, a scientific group which will study the electrical properties of the comet as it interacts with the Solar wind. This is a direct continuation of the work done with Giotto nearly three decades ago.

The wait won’t be long now – Rosetta is less than 30,000km from its goal (less than the distance between Earth and geostationary communications satellites), and will begin manoeuvring into orbit in early August. Early data will come sooner, with the first detection of the comet’s plasma expected perhaps as early as this week.

Rosetta is one of a number of missions being discussed at the Alfvén Conference this week at UCL. Named after Hannes Alfvén, a Swedish plasma physicist and Nobel laureate, the conference is bringing together experts from around the world in the field of Solar System plasma interactions, such as those Rosetta will study.

As part of the conference, Matt Taylor, the scientific leader of the Rosetta project will be giving a public lecture tomorrow (Tuesday 8 July) at 6pm. He will outline the probe’s amazing ten year journey, outline Rosetta’s scientific goals and explain why comets are such an important window into the distant past of our Solar System. The lecture is free and open to all, but please reserve your seat as spaces are limited.

Miracle on Gordon Street

By Oli Usher, on 3 July 2014

“I joined UCL in 1998. I remember saying in the job interview, ‘in two years, I’ll achieve electrochemistry in the gas phase’. Fifteen years later I think I might have achieved it,” says Daren Caruana, a UCL Chemist.

“On the bright side, though, I still have my job.”

Daren Caruana, seen through his prototype for tuberculosis testing

Daren Caruana, seen through his prototype electrochemical device for tuberculosis testing. Photo: O. Usher (UCL MAPS)

Electrochemistry is the study and manipulation of matter based on the behaviour of its electrons. It covers a huge range of phenomena, from electroplating cutlery with silver to glucose testing of blood samples for people with diabetes. Electrochemistry needs to be done in an electrically conductive liquid, which brings with it complications – it means the sample isn’t clean, and the solvent can often be toxic or corrosive.

There is, however, no reason why the same type of chemistry cannot be done within a gas, which would eliminate many of these problems.

But the gas has to be electrically conducting, which rules out air.

Fortunately – as anyone who remembers high school chemistry should remember – flames conduct electricity.

Unfortunately for Caruana, turning theory into practice when it involves flammable gases is not entirely straightforward. Hence his plans falling a little behind schedule.

One early experiment using hydrogen gas exploded, showering the entire room with shards of glass – except for his research assistant who was standing right next to the equipment. (The assistant, a devout Catholic, wrote to the Pope to report this possible miracle. Caruana served a term as deputy Departmental Safety Officer as penance.)


After years of finessing the technique of electrochemistry in flames, Caruana’s current project is to use it to test people with tuberculosis.

When infected with the disease, some people are highly contagious as they breathe out a constant stream of bacteria, while others are not. Currently the only way to test this is to make them breathe on agar, and wait and see if any bacteria reproduce. But his plan is to build a relatively cheap electrochemical device that will give a near-instant diagnosis.

In his lab, Caruana has a prototype (built entirely in-house by Dr Matt Li), a Heath Robinson-esque contraption of Perspex, screws, circuit boards and a great deal of Blu-Tack. But in time this should be possible to shrink down to the size of a desktop computer.

Like a lot of scientific experiments, Caruana's device is held together with a lot of Blu-Tack. Photo: O. Usher (UCL MAPS)

Like a lot of scientific experiments, Caruana’s device is held together with a lot of Blu-Tack. Photo: O. Usher (UCL MAPS)

In the device, the patient’s breath is blown in a narrow stream through the flame, and one-by-one, the bacteria are incinerated. Different types of bacteria have different properties which can be clearly detected by the electrical properties they display as they pass through the flame, either because they have a different chemical makeup or different physical properties. For instance, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen that causes TB, has a tough outer shell. This means that it visibly pops in a tiny explosion when it passes through the flame.

Up close and personal: when in operation, the device emits a flame through the centre of the brass circle. The stream of bacteria is blown through it. Photo: O. Usher (UCL MAPS)

Up close and personal: when in operation, the device emits a flame through the centre of the brass circle. The stream of bacteria is blown through it. Photo: O. Usher (UCL MAPS)

For safety reasons the current tests with the equipment are concentrating on non-infectious bacteria with similar properties to TB. But, in partnership with Prof Ibrahim Abubakar, Prof Timothy McHugh and Dr Marc Lipman from the Royal Free Hospital and UCL Business he hopes to continue the development, including tests on live TB bacteria. The aim is to have a commercial device ready to roll out to health centres around the country in the next three to five years.

Successful launch for UCL space technologies

By Oli Usher, on 20 June 2014

In space, space is at a premium.

Launching a satellite is hugely expensive. Every kilogram it weighs and every cubic centimetre it takes up costs money. Spacecraft engineers have therefore had to become experts at miniaturisation – and nowhere is this more obvious than with the CubeSat concept.

CubeSats are a class of tiny spacecraft. They are based on cubes just 10cm along each side, and up to three can be joined together into a single satellite. Thanks to their diminutive size, they can easily piggyback on other launches that have spare capacity, or alternatively many CubeSats can be launched in one go.

The most ambitious CubeSat project to date is a European project called QB50, which plans to send 50 CubeSats into orbit in one launch in early 2016. This will be the largest number of satellites ever put into orbit on board a single rocket.

Each of the satellites will be built by a separate institution from around the world (including one – UCLSat – by UCL’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory). Up to 40 of them will sport sensors that can probe the properties of the upper atmosphere. The consortium providing the sensors is led by UCL MSSL, which will build 14 spectrometers that will analyse the relative proportions of different types of particles in the thermosphere.

The Ion & Neutral Mass Spectrometer, designed and built at UCL, prior to being attached to the CubeSat. The device is less than 10cm across.

The Ion & Neutral Mass Spectrometer, designed and built at UCL, prior to being attached to the CubeSat. The device is less than 10cm across.

As the orbits of the 50 satellites gradually decay, they will spread apart, giving a unique opportunity to measure the upper atmosphere in multiple locations at the same time, using the same type of instrumentation.

QB50 is an ambitious programme, and so a precursor mission using just two satellites is now underway. Launched on 19 June from the Russian space centre at Yasny, the precursor satellites have a UCL-built Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS, which measures atomic and molecular oxygen, along with molecular nitrogen) and a Flux (Phi) Probe Experiment (FIPEX, which detects atomic and molecular oxygen) procured from the Technical University of Dresden.

The two complete satellites for the QB50 precursor flight. THe satellite on the right has an Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer, built by UCL, attached to its top surface. The satellite on the left has a Flux (Phi) Probe Experiment, designed by the Technical University of Dresden

The two complete satellites for the QB50 precursor flight. THe satellite on the right has an Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer, built by UCL, attached to its top surface. The satellite on the left has a Flux (Phi) Probe Experiment, designed by the Technical University of Dresden

As well as being very small, the instrumentation for the QB50 test mission had to be developed very fast, over a period of just a few months. Mission approval came in October 2013, and the completed satellites had to be delivered to the launch site in May 2014.

A further test of UCL’s miniaturisation technology will come with TechDemoSat, a UK satellite that launches on 8 July, and NASA’s Sunjammer mission in January next year.

Dhiren Kataria (right), the MSSL detector physicist behind the QB50 INMS instrument. Behind him, the CHaPS payload for the forthcoming TechDemoSat mission (based on the same technologies as QB50 INMS) being prepared for testing in a calibration chamber

Dhiren Kataria (right), the MSSL detector physicist behind the QB50 INMS instrument. Behind him, the CHaPS payload for the forthcoming TechDemoSat mission (based on the same technologies as QB50 INMS) being prepared for testing in a calibration chamber