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The Pigment Timeline Project



Archive for the '#VanGogh' Category

A Colour A Day: Week 14

By Ruth Siddall, on 28 June 2020

A Colour A Day week 14; 22nd-28th June

Jo Volley writes …
I am currently working on a timeline of Van Gogh’s colours for the Van Gogh House in London. In a letter to Theo dated 8th April 1888, Arles, he writes;

‘My Dear Theo, Am obliged to write to you as I’m sending you an order for colours which, if you place with Tasset & Lhote, rue Fontaine, you’ll do well – since they know me – to tell them that I expect a discount at least equivalent to the cost of the carriage…‘ He continues with a list of instructions for colours, canvas and carriage then writes…