Solidarity with the people of Pernambuco
By Louisa Acciari, on 10 June 2022
This blog was originally posted on the GRRIPP website:, on Tuesday 7 June 2022.
As we were gathered for our first GRRIPP LAC face-to-face event in Recife, Brazil, we and our partners found ourselves in the middle of the disaster that hit the city. An intense and never-seen-before volume of rains took the state, causing the rivers to rage and destroying homes, families and lives. The Civil Defence was able to confirm 128 deaths, and 9,302 people were made homeless. The scale of the disaster is unprecedented.
The lack of proper public policies and prevention measures, in addition to the intensification of climate change, make Recife a city particularly at risk. While the level of rain that fell onto the state of Pernambuco is higher than usual, this event is far from being unpredictable. According to a risk analysis from Recife’s own local council, based on data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC Climate Change), the city occupies the 16th position of vulnerability worldwide. The region combines low topography juxtaposed with areas with high risk of landslides, intense urbanization, high population density and high ecological, tourist and economic values.
As rescue services couldn’t reach the most remoted areas, local communities organised themselves to survive and help each other. Two of our GRRIPP awardees, Cosmonucleação Regenerativa and Quilombo do Catucá, are located in some of the most affected areas of Recife and Pernambuco. While their material losses are high, they have been doing an incredible work of solidarity and support in their neighbourhoods. The leaders from the projects, mostly black and indigenous women living in the periphery, are acting as focal points and caretakers for the victims in their communities. They hosted families who had to leave their house, cooked and distributed food baskets in their area, and continue organising solidarity actions locally. Since last week, we were able to map a first list of 140 families being directly supported by our awardees in four territories.
To attend to the needs of the most vulnerable, they are organising a fundraising. The money will enable them to provide basic food baskets and hygiene material, as well as buying blankets and clothe for those who lost their homes. We are sharing here their initiative, and calling on your generosity to support their campaign and contribute to their emergency fund.
Solidarity actions in Zona da Mata Norte
Credits to: Marília Nepomuceno
Solidarity Actions in Quilombo do Catucá
Credits to: Louisa Acciari and Moabia dos Anjos
To contact them directly:
In solidarity with all the people of the state Pernambuco,
One Response to “Solidarity with the people of Pernambuco”
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Thank you, Louisa, for your insightful blog!
Similar situations occurred in Oman when cyclones Gonu and Mekunu struck the country in 2007 and 2018. Remoted villages were impacted the most. Formal agencies were unable to attend to their needs for several days. Communities had to come together and organize themselves in order to survive. Those scenarios will continue to occur, and I think the most effective DRR measure is to recognize the roles of local actors, enable and empower them, and build local capacities for disaster preparedness and response.