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E-Learning Development Grants


It's all about sharing


Archive for June, 2013

ELDG Celebration Event

By Janina Dewitz, on 27 June 2013

We had great conversations yesterday at the ELDG Celebration Event!

It was fab to see so many people chatting to their neighbours before we had even started. I think it’s fair to say that there was a proper family atmosphere by the end of the afternoon.

If you missed it, you not only missed out on all of the above, but you also missed stories and top tips from previous ELDG project holders Dr Christian Spielmann, Dr Jolene Skordis-Worrall and Dr Edith Chan. Several attendees commented that they found hearing about those experiences very valuable.

This blog is meant to capture snapshots of our ELDG participants’ year, and to kick things off, here is my presentation from yesterday: