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Archive for the 'Teaching Programmes' Category

Literature Quiz

By uczcmsm, on 2 December 2017

Books in a question mark shape

Getting in the festive mood, here are 10 literature questions that you may come across over the holiday. How well will you do?

  1. Holden Caulfield, an icon for teenage angst and rebellion, is a fictional character in which American literary classic?
  2. Which book begins ‘It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen’?
  3. Which author, who passed away in 2016, was portrayed by Catherine Keener in the 2005 film Capote and by Sandra Bullock in the 2006 film Infamous?
  4. ‘The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it ‘the Riddle House” is the start of which book?
  5. Who collaborated with his daughter Lucy, in 2007, to write the children’s book George’s Secret Key to the Universe?
  6. Which book starts with ‘I will not drink more than fourteen alcohol units a week’?
  7. Which Italian novel for children has been adapted in over 240 languages?
  8. Who wrote the line ‘These two very old people are the father and mother of Mr. Bucket’?
  9. In Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’, which creature was used as the ball in the game of croquet?
  10. Who wrote the award-winning fantasy novel, ‘Life of Pi’?

If you can resist checking on Google, the answers will be at the end of the next post! Enjoy!

Christmas Gifts for the Literary-Minded

By uczcwtu, on 29 November 2017

Everyone knows how difficult buying Christmas gifts can be – but never fear! The UCL Publishing lot are here!

100 Books Scratch Off Bucket List Poster: this is an excellent gift for the literary-minded! You ‘read and enjoy one hundred amazing books and each time you finish one you can scratch off the panel to reveal a hidden image’. What a cool idea!

A tote bag is always a good idea for the book lover in your life – how else are we supposed to carry all of our books with us?! This Penguin Pride and Prejudice tote bag is a particularly wonderful example of tote loveliness!

A book subscription service is another great way to treat your bookish friends and family – there are lots of examples, including Illumicrate, Fairyloot, and Book and a brew!

If you’re buying for someone who likes jewellery, these book earrings might just do the trick, or perhaps some bookish pins like Jane Austen or Kurt Vonnegut’s heads!

Some more novelty socks are always on a book lover’s list – what about having Shakespeare, banned books, or typewriters on your feet?

Finally, if these ideas weren’t enough – just buy them a book! Some of my favourites this year include Stay With Me, When the Moon Was Ours, and Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race.

Saturday Sanctuary

By uczcmsm, on 24 November 2017

Since 2015, bookshops across the country have relished Civilised Saturday – the antidote to the madness of Black Friday. In the lead up to the busy Christmas period, people rush to stores to speed along their present buying. Black Friday represents a huge commercial drive to encourage and entice buyers.

Civilised Saturday, however, spreads a different message. It is a day to celebrate all the bookshops have to offer and their calm and peaceful atmosphere in our hectic daily lives. Whilst browsing and purchasing of books is obviously not turned away (and hardly possible to resist), it is a day to remind booklovers why they love books. Not only can you escape the mayhem in a good book, you can escape the mayhem by simply relishing the atmosphere of your local bookshop.

This year, BAMB have replaced Civilised Saturday with Saturday Sanctuary. Creating an atmosphere much like the trending Hygge books, bookshops aim to treat their customers – with cosy reading corners, herbal teas and other relaxing activities.

Some Hygge-Inspired books to encourage this frame of mind are:

The Little of Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking


Hygge: The Danish Art of Happiness by Marie Tourell Soderberg

The Danish Art of Happiness

The Year of Cozy by Adrianna Adarme


The Art of Hygge by Jonny Jackson & Elias Larsen

The Art of Hygge

Enjoy Sanctuary Saturday and best wishes for a peaceful, relaxed and bookish festive season!

5 Bookish Podcasts

By uczcwtu, on 19 November 2017

I don’t know about you, but I find podcasts are a perfect medium for modern life – often short and snappy, I can listen to them on the tube or whilst doing chores around the house. Here are 5 of my favourite bookish podcasts

1. Reading Glasses

This is without a doubt my favourite bookish podcast. Mallory and Brea are fun, enthusiastic readers who don’t believe in book shame and who talk about a plethora of genres. Their most recent podcast talks about self-help books, and includes a quick review of some bookish perfume! (Interesting!) You can listen more about Reading Glasses here.

2. From the Front Porch

A little podcast by booksellers Chris and Annie, From the Front Porch is a delightful and quick listen about books, being a bookseller, and all things about living in the south of America! Recently they discussed classic novels, and paired them up with modern recommendations. It is definitely worth a listen! There are new episodes every Thursday.

3. What Page Are You On?

This is a much newer podcast by Alice and Bethany, a pair of UK authors who discuss books throughout this often political and insightful podcast. Although there are only 5 episodes out so far, I can definitely see this becoming a firm favourite of mine, as their book tastes are wonderfully similar to my own. What Page Are You On can be found here.

4. What Should I Read Next?

Anne of What Should I Read Next has new guests every week, and together they tackle the age-old question for book lovers – what to read next! I really like that Anne really focuses on each guest, and tailors the interview to each one. No podcast is the same with What Should I Read Next! You can check it out here.

5. Book Riot

This list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Book Riot, one of my favourite bookish podcasts. Although on the longer side, Book Riot talks about aspects of the book world and community that some of the other podcasts don’t. In their most recent episode they talked about the new Barnes and Noble bookstores, the Harry Potter version of Pokemon GO, and much more. Excitingly, they’ve just started a new podcast called Hey YA which is, you guessed it, about young adult books! This sounds really awesome (no pun intended!)

Do you listen to podcasts? What ones would you recommend? Let us know!

What’s Coming Up

By uczcmsm, on 17 November 2017

Image of London SkylineSo far this term, we’ve been to oodles of events. If you’ve missed out, you can find some event reports (including lovely pictures of Publishing students) in our recent posts. If you’d like more information about any previous or upcoming events, please message one of us and we’ll put you in contact with a helpful someone.

To keep everyone in the loop and make sure we don’t miss anything accidentally, here are some exciting things coming up:


18th (-16th Dec): Kingston Children’s Literary Festival – https://www.visitkingston.co.uk/events/kingston-childrens-literary-festival-18-11-2017

20th: SYP London – November Book Club – The Siege by Helen Dunmore https://thesyp.org.uk/london/event/syp-london-november-book-club-the-siege-by-helen-dunmore/

21st: The Ventriloquist’s Daughter: A Talk with Author, Translator and Publisher https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-ventriloquists-daughter-a-talk-with-author-translator-and-publisher-tickets-39693486286?aff=es2

21st: Writing About Conflict with Caroline Brothers and Anita Sethi http://www.bloomsburyinstitute.com/upcoming-events

22nd: SYP November Workshop: Discovering new authors and working with publishers


27th: How are Independent Publishers Shaking Up The Book Industry? http://www.bytethebook.com/events/byte-book-publishing-networking-groucho-club-november

28th: Independent Publisher Conference (I’m not sure we can actually go but it’s maybe worth knowing that it’s happening!)


28th: An Evening with Sherlock Holmes https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-evening-with-sherlock-holmes-tickets-38456798319?aff=es2

30th: Black Women in Publishing https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-women-in-publishing-tickets-39685338917



4th: Eat, Drink and Be Merry! https://bookmachine.org/event/eat-drink-merry/

6th: Jingle & Mingle https://bookmachine.org/event/jingle-mingle/

15th-16th: The 2017 London Children’s Book Fair http://parasol-unit.org/whats-on/education-and-events/the-2017-london-childrens-book-fair/


Careers Events

Don’t forget to sign up to any of the careers events that take your fancy at the end of November (all in an email from Sam):

28th: Get into Publishing

29th: Get into Broadcasting: TV, Film & Radio

30th: Journalism Workshop

30th: Get into Marketing, PR & Advertising


Finally, please don’t forget that CHRISTMAS IS COMING and there are a crazy amount of festive-themed events in London to make the most of!

Book Christmas Tree


Building Inclusivity in Publishing Conference 2017

By uczcmsm, on 15 November 2017

Building Inclusivity in Publishing Conference Room

On Monday (13th November) the London Book Fair and the Publisher’s Association held the second Inclusivity in Publishing Conference. The day was insightful and motivating, filled with interesting and inspiring panel members. The aim of the day was to address the diversity issues in the industry with a big emphasis on what we can do to move forwards! A quick summary of the day goes:


Managing Disability in the Workplace

Kiren Shoman – SAGE Publishing (Chair), Andie Gbedeman and Mark Brooke – Dimensions UK, Vicki Partridge – Books Beyond Words

We need to move away from the misconceptions regarding what people are capable of and look at what every individual can offer. The recruitment process needs to be flexible; for example, working interviews are less intimidating for people with learning disabilities. Training can be provided for employees to help them communicate with colleagues who may communicate differently to them, including using pictures, accessible easy-read documents and ‘Listen-Up’ training. It is vital to provide positive narratives about people with disabilities in children’s books and not to make disability the focus.


Keynote: Matt Hancock, Minister of State for Creative Industries

Different perspectives are invaluable in such a diverse country. Positively, new imprints are emerging that are focused on diversity and schemes have been setup to improve diversity in entry level roles. A theme that continued throughout the day was the economic benefit of diversity. ‘Diversity is opening the door. Inclusion is inviting people through it’.


Mirroring Inclusivity – How Role Models are Building an Inclusive Industry

Simon Dawson-Collins and Nancy Adimora – HarperCollins

Role models need to reflect the diversity in society so that all young people can see themselves mirrored in higher roles. To ensure this happens, there need to be lots of different people involved in the recruitment process. They also mentioned the importance of talking about diversity. For our industry this will both develop a more diverse readership and the ability to understand and reach them in the employment force. Unconscious bias training should be given to recruitment employees, and to as many members of staff as possible.


Looks Like Me

Selma Nicholls

Selma told us the story of her daughter feeling out of place in society and not considering herself beautiful because of the images she was bombarded with everyday. Selma, passionately and proactively, then told us what she has done to change this. Looks Like Me is a talent and casting agency that strives to create imagery that reflects all young people. They work with many companies and started the incredible campaign: #sowhiteproject. She invited us to be the change we want to see, a call for all of us to address injustice.


Getting Writers from Minorities Published – Supply Chain Challenges

Chris Gribble – Writer’s Centre Norwich (Chair), Sharmaine Lovegrove – Dialogue Books, Emma Paterson – Rogers, Coleridge & White, Monica Parle – First Story.

There needs to be a genuine desire to make diversity happen. It’s not about the industry doing BAME citizens a favour, it’s about what they can do for us. The panel discussed ways in which we can achieve truly publishing for the whole of society: being less London-centric and making jobs more transparent (so people know of the abundant roles in publishing and can strive for them). We should look forward to the day that this conversation can end.


Audience Development: British Asian Community

Abir Makherjee

As a British Asian, Abir Makherjee says that we must change to cater to the demands of this changing society. As an accountant, Abir was appalled by how much further ahead the finance industry are in battling this issue. Paying for diverse talent is not an expense, it is an investment. We need to see growth in genre fiction from BAME writers, to extend marketing into other channels, to forge links with key community organisations, to take minority authors into schools and societies. Publishers need to be more culturally aware.


Broadening Inclusivity in Entry-Level Recruitment in Publishing

Nancy Roberts – Business Inclusivity (Chair), Linas Alsenas – Pride in Publishing, Heidi Mulvey – Cambridge University Press, Siena Parker – Penguin Random House

This panel discussed the ways in which their companies are trying to increase diversity. CUP have created many apprenticeship roles for people leaving school. Penguin Random House have started a randomised work experience program to give everyone an equal opportunity. They also now use video interviews and other technologies for the recruitment process to focus on talent rather than ‘type’ of person. Linas Alsenas has recently created ‘Pride in Publishing’ which aims to create a networking and social space for LGBTQ+ employees.


Diverse City

Jamie Beddard

Working in the arts industry, Jamie described how storytelling is key to: understanding, empathy, contextualising and re-imaging. We need to be telling untold stories and listen to unheard voices to develop a more inclusive and understanding society. We need to value people’s differences.


June Sarpong in conversation with Razia Iqbal

Razia and June discussed June Sarpong’s new book, Diversify: Six Degrees of Integration, and her career in the media industry. June addressed how far we have come and how far we still have to go. Her book not only addresses issues of race but also age, disability and gender. To hear more from June herself I would recommend listening to the CTRL, ALT, DEL podcast here.


The day finished with a presentation from Equal Approach on what they can do to help our industry diversify and company and individual’s pledges to address this issue and move forward, hopefully ending the discussion altogether.


To see more follow #inclusivityconf2017

MA Publishing Students at Building Inclusivity in Publishing Conference

2017 Stevenson Award

By uczcmsm, on 1 November 2017

On Monday 23rd October, past and present students gathered with other lovely people at the rather majestic Stationers’ Hall to attend the inaugural Stevenson lecture. The evening was a celebration of book historian and UCL professor Iain Stevenson (1950-2017) hosted by Bloomsbury Chapter and UCL Publishing. Simon Eliot gave an inspiring talk entitled: ‘Letters, Leaflets, and Lectures: Before and Beyond the Book 1840-1945’ – we learnt lots (including the correlation between pay and height for Victorian male servants) and were reminded of weird and wonderful things (such as the reason for the holes in our front doors).

At the end of the evening, Daniel Boswell presented the U.C.L Stevenson Award 2017. We obviously wanted to know more about the winner and runners up, Claire, Dominic and Sarah – so here is a little insight!

Winner: Claire Ormsby-Potter

Claire OP Head Shot

A fun fact about yourself:

This question always gives me conniptions because I’m never sure what’s interesting, haha! How about – I actually trained as a teacher after leaving University, but realised that it absolutely wasn’t for me.

What was your favourite moment of the year?

I’m not sure it’s possible to identify a single moment. The whole course was a really great experience for me, and all the opportunities I had as part of it were unbelievable.

What project/piece of work were you most proud of and why?

Probably my Children’s assignment. I got my highest mark for it, and just waxed lyrical about books for ages, interspersed with cartoons I drew. It was a lot of fun!

Runner Up: Dominic Aveiro

Dominic Aveiro Head Shot

A fun fact about yourself: 

Not many people know this about me (…okay, maybe quite a few people do), I used to be in the Metropolitan Police Service…and before you ask, the answer is yes – I have arrested someone.

What was your favourite moment of the year?

This is a hard one for me as there are so many great moments to draw from. Nevertheless, I will have to focus upon a string of moments, or to be more precise, Thursdays. Why were Thursdays so important? Well – not only had the academic week ended for us (though all our classes were great) – it also meant going to the pub! Here, great friendships were forged. Not surprisingly (or perhaps, surprisingly?), the pub was an environment that was highly conducive to communication.

What project/piece of work were you most proud of and why?

Without a shadow of a doubt, my absolute pride and joy was the piece of work I did for Children’s Publishing. I basically designed a DK-inspired Dragon Ball piece on InDesign with the skills I had gained from Publishing Skills. This is the wonderful thing about the Publishing MA – skills are transferable…and encouraged!



If you want to see what they’re up to now, give them a little follow:

Claire: @okyeahbut

Dom: @DominicAveiro

Sarah: @sjfcarver

The Word for Women is Wilderness

By uczcmsm, on 27 October 2017

This blog was written by fellow student, Lauren Hurrell. We love it! Read more from Lauren here.

Growing up, taking inspiration wherever I could get it, it was brave characters like Mulan that I looked up to. I wasn’t going to be saving China any time soon, but the closer I got to adulthood the more I would examine the qualities that characters like Mulan had, to get through each day as best as I could. A lot of the time I would identify with male fictional characters, because they would have goals or personality traits that I identified with, or wanted to develop myself, and I never really thought much about that. Mainly because, well, those attributes are often seen as male.

Most of the time it was because those characters possessed the desire for adventure, something I always had. At weekends, when my brother and I were younger and my mum was a single parent, she would take us on hikes and bike rides on long days out where it felt as though we were the only people around for miles. Both of my parents came from Devon, so we were never too far from the ‘great outdoors’. I was lucky to be able to travel as often as I did too, most often to the French Alps and the Swedish lakeside forests. I was also obsessed with Lord of the Rings in that period of my life, and fell in love with any landscape that might have resembled Tolkien’s imagination. (I even took up archery with a friend on Sundays).

The sad thing is, at that time, I didn’t consider it to be a gendered thing to feel that way about nature or my imagination. I didn’t know what it meant to be a ‘tomboy’, I just knew that I was one by the way I dressed and what I liked. This isn’t a ‘not-like-other-girls’ thing, but I do remember being a slightly wrong fit for every gendered activity, whether it was with the girls or the boys. I regularly wore loose jeans and my brother’s enormous hand-me-down Jurassic Park hoody, forever ripping jeans at the knee by falling over in football games or climbing trees, while a lot of girls in my year were starting to become more concerned with boys and stuff. But I could never quite be one of the boys either.

Regardless, I didn’t really think of “that world”, the one of adventure and the wilderness, as being a male-dominated sphere, until later on. When I think about it now, the famous adventurers that spring to mind, the heroes of the wilderness chronicling their experience of loneliness and introspection or navigating their solitude and survival, are people like Jack Kerouac and Bear Grylls (I was personally more of a Ray Mears fan) – but the point is, I can only think of men who were popularly seen as adventurers.

This is exactly what Abi Andrews’ debut novel, The Word for Woman is Wilderness, pulls into question, but far from the only thing. From the gender politics of Iceland, to the first explorers of space, Andrews explores all kinds of topics, as she offers the adventure narrative from a young woman’s perspective. She does this through her nineteen-year-old protagonist, Erin, who embarks on a voyage into the Alaskan wilderness, ‘a one-woman challenge to the archetype of the rugged male explorer’.

I’ve been reading this book for the better part of a month, carrying it with me everywhere from commutes to coffee shop corners. From the first page onwards, I realised how long it had been since I had read something that felt so close to my own voice, whilst being entirely revolutionary and enlightening at the same time. I even got a bit tearful when I reached the end, which doesn’t usually happen to me with books. Its content returns me to the space of time when I used to read about, dream of, and crave adventure before anything in my mind had become politicised or gendered – that I was aware of, at least. This book pulled me right back to the roots of those cravings. But the best part? It comes through as a genuine woman’s voice, and is a woman’s story. Finally. It even mentions periods.

This is the novel that my childhood yearned for, and I wish I could return to it and read it again anew. Not just for the comfort factor, though – I also learned a lot. It is so well researched, bursting with anecdotes and observations that capture a feeling, a sentiment or a milestone in words I wish I could have written myself. Erin’s voice not only conveys her intelligence, but also the immense talent of the writer herself. Abi Andrews writes from her mid-twenties with the voice of someone far beyond of her years.

Sharing a resemblance to Cheryl Strayed’s Wild, it’s not the first book of its kind, and I pray to god it isn’t the last, but my experience of reading this book has been tugging at the child in me, and that child says my god, thank you! It is one of those books that encapsulates the universal experiences of women, and human beings in general. One of my favourite parts is Erin’s commentary on the power of women taking up public space, whether it’s eating alone in a restaurant or reading in a café, to demand that space and reclaim it as their own, instead of creating an opportunity to be accessed and approached by a man. She writes,

“Growing out of the girl and into the woman sitting in cafes alone, libraries alone, anywhere alone, really, without feeling the itch of the out-of-place, displaced, mistaken. With the self assuredness of the intentionally-put-in-place. I am starting to feel that now. A body that says, before they think to ask, no thank you, I am where I intend to be.”

Whilst seemingly an obvious point to make, this really resonated with me. I’ve always loved sharing my own company, and never had a problem with sitting on my own in public places until I began to grow a bit weary of being approached by unwanted company. It shouldn’t be something we have to lose for the sake of comfort and safety. While it is realistic, it reminds us that we cannot only live in fear, but instead must challenge why that fear exists, and how to overcome it, instead of letting it be a footnote to our gender.

“the tundra is always in soliloquy. Mostly it whistles and sings, but now and then the wind will die down suddenly and in the utter silence and still it feels like you are on stage. As though you did not know there were curtains until they just suddenly opened. Then the cacophony of noise again like applause”
It also captures the poetic immensity of nature. This novel has made me think that one day I might be able to write something similar, or set off on a similar solo adventure. It gives me the hope that more and more books like this will be written, but most importantly – it has adjusted a lot of the views I had, finessed them, and helped them into the right places, which makes the bigger picture of the world a whole lot more comprehensible. After reading this book, I am reminded of a quote by bell hooks: I entered the classroom with the conviction that it was crucial for me and every other student to be an active participant, not a passive consumer…education as the practice of freedom…. education that connects the will to know with the will to become. Learning is a place where paradise can be created’.

Most importantly, the novel offers a platform for more voices to be heard – voices of women disrupting male-centric spheres. The voices of women explorers.

“I took a last long look, blinking my eyes like they were shutters and I was capturing still photographs of this scene to file away in the far crevices of my mind, the special, self-defining crevices that stay secure and well preserved and accessible for life.”

I wanted to note down my favourite passage in the whole novel, because it was the one part of the book I read that I felt most compelled to read aloud to someone, and not just because it was moving and eloquent. For me, it captured everything that I search for, whether that’s in writing, art, or life in general. It is the feeling that comes in moments I know I need to remember, and moments that I hope to find, always. In short, if someone asked me how to describe the way I saw the world, it would be this:

“Everything looks happy and good in pink golden light but the beauty has sadness and sometimes this is difficult to distinguish from sadness itself… There is acute love for the thing then realising that one day one way or another it will leave you or you will leave it or the light will change, but the magnitude of this hurt is itself something that adds to the beauty. You let it enter: permeation, contamination, not-aloneness, shared knowing of this beauty. You grow with it like inosculation, and the sadness comes in knowing that it is so other to you, that it is like tree branches growing first together and then apart. We need this acute sad feeling to make us care about the preservation of otherness. Perhaps then the feeling is more accurately the love of sad beauty. Or nostalgia that has not happened yet.”

The Word for Woman Is Wilderness by Abi Andrews will be coming out in February 2018, published by Serpent’s Tail.

5 books for a beginner publisher

By uczcwtu, on 25 October 2017

Screenshot 2017-10-24 18.11.25

We’ve been given lots of book recommendations so far in our four weeks at UCL – but where does a beginner publisher start? Lucky for you, I’ve found 5 books that I think will allow an easy way to begin to understand what publishing is all about!

1. The Professional’s Guide to Publishing by Gill Davies and Richard Balkwill

If you’re to read one book on this list, this should be it. This book covers everything: from editorial and production to sales and marketing. For anyone looking for a more practical guide to the publishing world, this might be your go-to.

2. Hit Lit by James W. Hall

What makes a bestseller? Hall looks at 12 bestsellers of the 20th century such as To Kill A Mockingbird and Jaws to examine what exactly makes a bestseller. This book is an extremely fun and easy read, whilst still giving valuable insights into the world of the bestseller.

3. The Naked Author by Alison Baverstock

This is a very interesting book to read for publishers, simply because it comes from the author’s point of view. This answers all sorts of practical questions, such as how book design actually works, to how to copywrite effectively.

4. Eats Shoots and Leaves

Struggling with the copyediting side of our publishing degree? Eats Shoots and Leaves is a simple way to come to terms with punctuation, as well as being witty and delightfully British, to boot.

5. The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time by Keith Houston

And finally, this is an absolutely gorgeous book that gives a history of the book in all of its glory. Containing full-colour illustrations and a delightful break-down of the parts found in a book, this is a book that is sure to educate and entertain (as well as potentially help with the Publishing Contexts assignment!)

All of these books are available at the UCL library. Go forth and read!

Bloomsbury Bookshops

By uczcwtu, on 18 October 2017

London Review Bookshop:

London-Review-Bookshop-Yale-UP-featured-1024x791You may have come across the London Review of Books – a newspaper-style magazine that aims to be ‘intelligent without being pompous; engaged without being partisan’. The Bookshop was opened by the London Review of Books in 2003 as a place to discuss books and eat cake. That’s right, there is a cake shop inside.

London Review Bookshop stocks a wide range of titles and holds around four events a week. See their upcoming events here: https://www.londonreviewbookshop.co.uk/events. They also hold ‘Customer Evenings’ about once a month to encourage you to keep browsing into the night, with a glass of wine and a discount on books.

Gay’s The Word:

gay-s-the-word-wonderfulAnother bookshop that can be found in the Bloomsbury area is Gay’s the Word (which you might recognise from 2014’s Pride). Founded in 1979, Gay’s the Word is an independent bookshop that specialises in LGBT+ literature. Described as ‘the fountainhead of queer literature in Britain’, it has lost none of its edgy appeal since its opening. There is so much history to this shop, that even if you’re not LGBT+ yourself, it is a must-visit.

Some upcoming events include:

November 2: The Untold Story of Bram Stoker

November 23: Book Launch: Lives of Great Men: Living and Loving as an African Gay Man

Waterstones Gower Street:

22664133_10213233527373671_812683059_oWaterstones Gower Street is well known and well loved by many members of the UCL and greater-London book communities. Boasting multiple book-packed floors, this location offers an impressive variety of trade fiction and non-fiction options, as well as academic materials and reading-inspired decor, personal accessories, and more. This bookshop is home to cozy coffee shop Dillons­, and it often hosts community events celebrating the book industry’s latest happenings.

Some upcoming events include:

October 19: The Debut Fiction Showcase: Gonzalo C. Garcia, Pajtim Statovici and Anneliese Mackintosh

October 23: The Short Story Salon: Ghost Stories