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DIS Student Blog


Department of Information Studies


Archive for the 'Hack Library School' Category

Juggling/Slaying the dissertation dragon part 1 – Hack Library School

By uczchum, on 18 February 2015

Image by Luis Alejandro Bernal Romero CC BY-SA 2.0

Image by Luis Alejandro Bernal Romero
CC BY-SA 2.0

The whirl of studies and jobs stopped me from cross-posting my last blog post for Hack Library School on juggling your responsibilities and expectations, so it’s a two for one today with my latest post on dissertations – Slaying the dissertation dragon part 1.  Inspired by the departmental dissertation boot camp this week, I was surprised to learn that the majority of library schools in America don’t require students to undertake a dissertation, so many of them won’t do an extended research project until they reach PhD level.

This is the first in a series of posts taking advantage of our excellent research skills teaching on the MA LIS here, in which I hope to make research seem a bit less daunting.

Networking for Introverts – Hack Library School

By uczchum, on 4 December 2014

My nuntitled - by ashraful kadir, Creative Commonsame is Sarah, I’m a part time student on the LIS course and this year I’m one of Hack Library School’s contributing writers.  I’m the first Brit to write for the blog so I’ll be exploring the differences between UK and US library culture and I’ll try to give the US audience a taste of how we do things here! I’ll be linking my posts here when they’re out in the world, roughly once a month.

My first post, Networking for Introverts, went up yesterday. I’m particularly interested in hearing other peoples’ experiences so please do leave a comment if you’ve got any tips!


Image: Used under Creative Commons Licence, (c) ashraful kadir, untitled