Introducing the My Feedback report
By Jessica Gramp, on 5 December 2015
The Moodle My Feedback report is being developed as part of a UCL project to improve access to assessment feedback by both students and staff.
The My feedback report consolidates information that already exists in Moodle and displays it in a single view, in a format that is easily accessible and digestible, and therefore more meaningful for students and staff than what is currently available to them in disparate parts of Moodle. My feedback shows a view of grades and feedback for assessment activities, such as Moodle Assignments, Turnitin Assignments, Workshops for Peer Assessments and Quizzes from across modules in a single report. The report provides links to submissions and any feedback that has been released to students, including grades.
The report helps students (supported by their Personal Tutors) to better understand the variety of feedback they receive; draw ties between different assessments and modules; and allow them to reflect on their feedback to see how they can improve in future assessments.
NOTE: Unless a Personal Tutor has tutor-level access to the course where the assessments are stored, they will be unable to view the feedback directly.
The My feedback report is currently being piloted by a number of programmes at UCL, to better understand how it can be used by staff and students and to help guide future development work.
The My feedback report is available as an open source plugin on
An updated version was released Saturday 5th December 2015.
Feedback Overview
The overview page shows all the assessments available for a particular student, with links to viewing the full feedback within Moodle. For someone to view the full feedback they must have access to viewing that activity on the Moodle course it resides in.
Feedback comments
The Feedback comments page shows general feedback and grades that have been provided via Moodle. Note: feedback provided via Turnitin GradeMark can not be displayed in this report, although the grade will be displayed if entered using the standard Turnitin grading feature. The date the feedback was viewed by that student is also visible. A cross indicates the feedback has not yet been viewed.
There is further information about this tool from the ALT-Conference 2015:
2 Responses to “Introducing the My Feedback report”
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HEASTEM wrote on 7 December 2015:
RT @UCL_ELE: Introducing the My Feedback report: The Moodle My Feedback report is being developed as part of a UCL……
RT @UCL_ELE: Introducing the My Feedback report: The Moodle My Feedback report is being developed as part of a UCL……