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Careers Employer Engagement


Find Your Future


Two new employer packages for UCL Careers

By uczjrwi, on 2 September 2015

Here at UCL Careers we are looking at new ways to work with employers and we are particularly keen to tailor our offering to two groups – “New” Employers and SME Employers. UCL Careers is committed to engaging with a variety of organisations, both large and small, in order to help build your brand on campus, meet with students and graduates, and get involved with skills sessions to help increase UCL students’ employability skills.

New Employers

We continue to strive to build our employer network and attract new employers onto campus to showcase the variety of sectors and roles students have the opportunity to go into upon graduating. In order to promote new companies via UCL Careers, we have a selection of options depending on which services are most suitable for your needs. These include:

> Skills4Work Supporter (priority booking for Skills4Work events). Cost: £221.25 +VAT

> Digital Screen (in our careers library). Cost: £111.75 + VAT

> Recruiter in Residence (we market you being on campus and target to specific student cohorts) or Pop Up (we can book a UCL space for you to be on campus). Cost £183 + VAT

> Annual Guide profile. Cost £221.25 + VAT

Costs shown above include our 25% discount for these products. The above services can be bought individually or as a total package for £737.25 + VAT. Employers wishing to benefit from this package will not have participated in our centralised UCL Careers services in the last three years.


We are keen to grow the number of SMEs we engage with and wish to maximise the relationship for both the company and the university. We understand that SMEs may not require all the same services as a larger company and so would like to offer flexibility that is tailored to your organisation. A discount (where applicable) of 50% can be offered on the following services:

> Skills4Work Supporter (priority booking for Skills4Work events). Cost: £147.50 + VAT

> Monthly Graduate Profile of a graduate success story on UCL Careers website. Cost: free.

> Recruiter in Residence (we market you being on campus and target to specific student cohorts) or Pop Up (we can book a UCL space for you to be on campus). Cost: £122 + VAT

> Interview Space (specifically for a Talent Bank employer). Cost: free.

> Global Citizenship Employability Programme – guaranteed presence on campus during this two-week summer programme. Cost: free.

> Themed Week – either guaranteed presence during the week at events or during the following two weeks as a recruiter-in-residence, dependent on how your company fits with the themed week programme. Cost: free.

The services outlined above can be grouped together, depending on how you wish to engage. A member of the Employer Engagement team will be able to assist you in determining the best course of action for you and your organisation’s needs.

If you are both a ‘New’ Employer and an SME, please note that the 50% discount will apply to any of the services you choose to use.

We hope that these new packages are of interest to you and would be more than happy to discuss with you how can benefit from the services we offer at UCL Careers. Please contact us on careers.events@ucl.ac.uk if you would like to talk about these in more depth. We look forward to hearing from you!