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Archive for August, 2023

5 things I wish I knew before starting university

By UCL Faculty of Arts & Humanities, on 14 August 2023

UCL student Sharayah Munyi share 5 things to know before starting university.

Starting university can feel overwhelming in many ways. From finding accommodation to simply adjusting to the new lifestyle, it’s easy to feel bombarded even before the start of term.
However, it can also feel really exciting but it’s fair to say that there are some things I wish I’d known before starting university and I’d like to share them with you.

1) Take care of your mental health

While starting university can be one of the most exciting times of your life, the transition can be difficult. Often, we feel like we have to balance academics, social life, and student living which can leave us feeling pretty helpless at times. But amidst this chaos remember one thing: your mental health should always be a priority. Whether that means saying no to going out one night or emailing your lecturer or even reminding yourself to eat something other than indomie and pot noodles. Please do it for your sake. You’ll thank yourself later.

Most importantly, remember to do more of the things that make you feel good and don’t forget that those things are not defined by anyone but yourself. If going home on the weekends makes you feel good then go or if you feel like you need to speak to a professional then do that. Don’t conform to conventions at the expense of your mental health and do what works best for you.

2) Freshers’ flu is real

Don’t get me wrong, you could be really special and just happen to not catch Freshers’ flu but the chances are if you’re at accommodation or just interacting with other people during fresher’s week, you may get Freshers’ flu. It doesn’t feel great and I can swear mine lasted a month but taking proper care of yourself will definitely help . Don’t forget to register at your local GP!

3) Make use of the perks that come with being a student

There are many perks of being a student which we often overlook. If you don’t have UNIDAYS then download it to get student discounts on loads of shops. The plethora of UCL and University of London libraries like Senate House are also pretty impressive so if you ever need a change of scenery you know where to go 😉

4) Your Student loan isn’t free money

We all get a bit carried away when that student finance money alert gets sent out and the money drops into our accounts. However, do try to set yourself boundaries when it comes to your spending. Of course, don’t stop yourself from buying memberships to societies or events during freshers but just be mindful.

5) There is no universal university experience

Finally, don’t compare your university experience with anyone else’s. There is no preponderant guide on how university should be and the things you should do or number of friends you should make. That’s why I won’t say too much other than trust yourself, don’t do anything with the intention of pleasing people (you will never win) and most importantly have fun.