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UCL Student Blog



Review: Computing At School by BCS

By Neema Kotonya, on 4 April 2016

For a number of years, the British Computer Society (BCS) has run an online platform it has developed in partnership with schools and educators to help secondary school teachers who are new to teaching computer science and technology.

This platform is called Computing At Schools (CAS). Currently CAS has 150 regional hubs, over 20,000 registered users and more than 3,000 teaching resources. The teaching resources are available both through the official CAS website. There are also video tutorials available on the newly launched YouTube channel CAS TV. The CAS community offers support to teachers both online in form of discussion forums, and also offline in the form of regional group meetings.

As well as offering a great teaching aides for educators, the YouTube channel doubles as a useful resources for learners who are new to coding. The online video lessons are available to individuals who want to learn how to program in their own time, and at their own pace.



One Response to “Review: Computing At School by BCS”

  • 1
    Moira Wright wrote on 6 April 2016:

    Thanks for highlighting these resources – I’m trying to teach myself programming and finding this really useful!

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