Santander NextSec event: Security in an agile world
By Kerry Milton, on 12 October 2015
UCL Global
HomeLondon's Global University
By Kerry Milton, on 3 April 2014
In July 2013, UCL and the Institut Français signed an agreement to collaborate on a series of workshops over a period of three years, focusing specifically on research in the humanities.
The agreement aims to build on existing, and explore new links, between UCL and French academic and research organisations.
By providing funding each year for three workshops between UCL and French academics, all held at UCL, the agreement is aimed at encouraging junior and senior scholars to establish new directions for possible research collaborations– not only in their own areas of expertise, but also across disciplines.
During the 2013-2014 academic year, the UCL European Institute organised three highly successful workshops under the theme of ‘In Places(s) of Memory’
For further information, including how to apply and requirements for this year’s funding, download the call for proposals PDF
Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday 30 May 2014