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UCL Research Catalyst Award Winners – 2015/16

By Sophie Vinter, on 23 February 2016

A new round of Santander Universities Research Catalyst Awards launched in November 2015, with the aim of fostering new research collaborations between UCL and universities in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

Colleagues from across UCL applied for funding, with the winners shown below.

The Catalyst Award winners will undertake their visits over the coming academic year, in order to develop collaborative activities with their chosen partners.

Congratulations to all of this year’s winners.

UCL Award Winner UCL Department Partner Institution
Arroyo-Kalin, Manuel Institute of Archaeology Universidad de Los Andes; Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Boano, Camillo Development Planning Unit Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Edwards, Stephen Hazard Centre Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Hamilton, Ian Energy Institute Universidad Diego Portales
Kalaskar, Deepak Division of Surgery and Interventional Science Universidad Industrial de Santander
Mookerjee, Raj Institute for Liver and Digestive Health Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Phelps, Nicholas School of Planning Universidad Catolica del Norte
Ricardo, Silva Statistical Science Universidade Federal do Ceara
Whitmore, David Cell and Developmental Biology Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Zaidi, Zehra Institute of Risk and Disaster Management Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Zuluaga, Maria Medical Physics and Bioengineering Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Santander NextSec event: Security in an agile world

By Kerry Milton, on 12 October 2015

Santander NextSec Event

Santander NextSec Event

1-UCL Award winners, supported by Santander Universities, help charities close to their hearts

By Kerry Milton, on 23 April 2014

UCL students were able to help a charity of their choice after receiving a 1-UCL Award for their own non-academic community achievements.

The 1-UCL Awards, supported by Santander Universities, aims to foster community spirit as well as highlight and reward outstanding achievement by current UCL students in a non–academic field.

Harry Bulstrode donated £1,000 to the Peter Hansford Racing Team

“I am a Neurosurgery Registrar and have been studying brain tumour biology as a Wellcome Research Training Fellow at the UCL Cancer Institute, and now at the Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine.

I donated the award to the Peter Hansford Racing Team, who has since 2011, provided the equipment and expertise to enable me to compete at national level alongside my work commitments. The team is based in Winchester, Hampshire, and compete in road, time trial and track disciplines. This season my goals are to win the British Student Time Trial Championships and the Scottish National Time Trial Championships. The team have been behind me all the way so now I just have to pedal hard!

I was delighted to receive the award. I get a lot of satisfaction balancing surgery, science and cycling, and I hope to live up to this award in each of those areas.”

Bethany Evans donated £1,000 to the Holborn Community Association

“I was nominated for the award for developing volunteering within UCLU Women’s Hockey Club. Alongside the club President Florence Mackenzie, I organised a series of events to raise the profile of volunteering within the club. These ranged from volunteering at the UCLU Christmas Concert in the Quad to selling ribbons for World Aids Day as well as holding a joint fundraising day with the Men’s Hockey Club for one of their members who suffered a severe spinal injury.

I decided to donate the £1000 to Holborn Community Association because we have seen the fantastic work they undertake everyday first hand. They help older people to relax, socialise and enrich their lives, as well as providing essential support to help members to continue to live independently. The money will be used to help further improve the quality of older people’s lives in our local community by helping to continue to fund activities such as summer outings, photography classes and tai chi sessions.”

You can see what other winners did with their award here