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The Digital Department


Developing digital literacies for teaching administrators


Archive for the 'Tools' Category

TA Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Workshop

By Clive Young, on 10 December 2012

Many thanks to all those who attended the TNA workshop on 6th December. The workshop was run jointly by the Project and Jo Lambert, ISD IT Training Manager. It was designed as a follow-up from our TA Questionnaire from earlier in the year which established UCL use of digital tools, confidence and interest in using new tools. The TNA workshop aimed to analyse a bit deeper what TAs do in practice and map this against tools and especially training.

The project is conscious that although we have developed materials around e-learning as part of the CMALT programme, a whole range of university and productivity tools are also used by UCL TAs and we wanted to think how they could be supported. Jo worked with the group to identify common admin tasks, for example around communication, assessment and attendance management. Early in the new year she will report back to the project and the UCL TA community to suggests how common tasks can be mapped to tools and training. We will also be working with Jo to identify any gaps in the current support and training provision.

Emerging hybrid staff roles in the new e-learning environment

By Clive Young, on 21 June 2012

Keynote for ICA Network Educating the Net Generation in the Life Sciences, 21 June 2012, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy


Digital tools – listmania, how to guides and more

By Stefanie D Anyadi, on 23 February 2012

Working on this project, I’m coming across a lot of tools, lists and how-to-guides, and thought it would be useful to start collecting these. I hope you find them useful, too, and please do reply with additional suggestions: