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The Digital Department


Developing digital literacies for teaching administrators


Report from the first TDD workshop

By Clive Young, on 2 September 2011

The notes are now available from our first TDD Workshop on 16 August 2011. The aim of the event was to introduce the project to a group of UCL teaching administrators and do some initial brainstorming (a method known as ‘knowledge spaces’) with the group around the areas of;

  • digital literacies i.e. what tools we use and what skills we need
  • what kinds of areas the TDD should investigate (e.g. mini-project)
  • what kind of skills training and development we should consider.

The results were fascinating and perhaps surprising. We were struck by the number of processes, systems and applications TA need to learn and apply.

The report is avilable Notes from workshop 16 Aug 2011 v2 (PDF 5pp).

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