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UCL-TB blog



TB on a scroll

By Sreyashi Basu, on 22 September 2020

In a previous blog post, Sreyashi Basu described how she set up a TB education initiative, Joi Hok! in Kolkata, including a painted scroll that was used as a visual aid.  Here she describes the scroll and explains how it is used.

Sreyashi Basu writes:

The Patachitra painting is made by Swarna Chitrakar, a traditional scroll painter who hails from a place called Naya village in Medinipur District. She sings about different aspects of TB as she unfurls the large scroll painting to depict the sequence of events. The culture of Patachitra music (or Patua Sangeet) have been passed down for generations and unlike other kinds of music is performed acapella style.

Here I sing about TB in Bengali, and unlike Swarna, am accompanied by my ukelele:


The painting is reproduced below with an explanation of the panels (view image here):TB patachitra scroll with annotations
Read more about Sreyashi and her Joi Hok! initiative here on this blog post. Sreyashi is a recent UCL graduate, and is now studying for an MSc at the LSHTM. Twitter: @SreyashiBasu2

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