Abstract submission
Abstract submission will be open from 1st March – 14th April.
Types of presentation
This year we are planning 3 different presentation options: (1) oral presentation (2) poster presentation and (3) prerecorded video presentation.
Oral presentation
Delivered in-person, 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions
Poster presentation
Delivered in-person, details for poster format will be circulated later.
Pre-recorded video presentation
Pre-recorded video presentations are intended for those who would like to submit an abstract but will not be able to attend in person. Videos will be screened in a separate session where presenters will then be available to answer questions at the end of the session.
When submitting your abstract please select the correct stream on the conftool portal.
Abstract format
Abstracts will be a short format of no more than 300 words, please use the text box on the conftool portal. You may also upload a single figure (.pdf, .png or .jpg format), this can be done on the webpage proceeding the text submission. Please do not submit your abstract as .pdf, only abstracts entered into the correct text box can be considered.
Please also submit 5 keys words to help assign your abstract to the correct sessions and reviewer.
Submit your abstract
Please submit your abstracts though the conftool portal.
Peer review
It is our intention that all abstracts will be peer-reviewed by 2 experts and feedback provided.
COST action ERC bursary for presenters
There are a limited number of bursaries available for presenters from ITC countries. Tick the box at submission if you would like your abstract to be considered.