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Archive for the 'Events' Category

The Library coming to Foster Court…. well almost

By ucylggg, on 20 November 2015

Thanks to some strategic room-booking and my trusty laptop, this academic year I am bringing an  extension of the Library to Foster Court and more specifically to Room 351. I am running  weekly Drop-in session for all things library:

Tuesdays from 1pm to 2pm until Tuesday 15 December.

The sessions don’t have a specific topic so you can come with questions like, how do I find this book in the Library? You are probably thinking:  ‘I know how to find books in the library already; how very dare you?!’ But I also work at the Enquiry Desk and you’d be surprised. Anyway,  I digress, other questions you might have for example: which are the most relevant databases for SELCS subjects?  Can you explain what databases are? Is JSTOR the Google of  academic  databases? How do I  use EndNote? How do I set up alerts? So many questions to be answered and they will be answered. Just come to the sessions!


SELCS drop-in poster



Portuguese Cine Club: Macunaíma & Capitães de Abril

By ucylggg, on 12 March 2015

Macunaima16 March 2015



Joaquim Pedro de Andrade


Foster Court 307 (Common room)

Free admission








26 March 2015Capitaes

Capitães de Abril


Maria de Medeiros


Foster Court 307 (Common room)

Free admission

Would you like to know more about these two films? Here are the links to the original posters:

Macunaima poster

Capitaes de Abril poster

For more information please visit the Portuguese Cine club @ SPLAS pages

Portuguese Cine Club: Central do Brasil – Tomorrow 22 January

By ucylggg, on 21 January 2015

Central do Brasil

Walter Salles’ Central do Brasil is screened tomorrow Thursday 22 January,  as usual,  more details on times and venue can be found on the  Portuguese Cine club @ SPLAS. pages.

Another free screening! Blindness by Meirelles

By ucylggg, on 14 November 2014

November is indeed a New Bitmap Image bounty month for free screenings.

The latest offering comes courtesy of the Portuguese Cine club @ SPLAS.

Blindness by Fernando Meirelles will be screened on 27 November.

If you’d like to explore more films  by Meirelles, check out the DVDs collection at the Main library. The collection has been moved back to the newly refurbished issue desk  area.


Film screenings – Italian and German films

By ucylggg, on 5 November 2014

Looks like November is a good month for film screenings: some of them free.

UCL’s Italian Film Club has just announced a a free screening of Leopardi. Il giovane favoloso (2014), which has just been shown at the London Film Festival, yours truly went to see it and was very impressed. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Mario Martone and co-screenwriter Ippolita Di Majo and it’s chaired by Dr Beatrice Sica (UCL).

Here the details: The film screening will take place on Wednesday 19 November at 6pm in the Christopher Ingold XLG1 Chemistry LT (https://goo.gl/maps/53vxS). Please note that although the event is free of charge, ticketing is mandatory through Eventbrite (http://tinyurl.com/nklcv69)

For information, please email to c.massaccesi@ucl.ac.uk.

More screenings for this month:

Films by Helke Sander, F W Murnau,  Fatih Akin and Wolfgang Staudte,  will be screened at the British Museum . The films are shown as part of the new exhibition:   Germany – Memories of a Nation exhibition that runs from 9th to 30th November. The screenings are not free but they are definitely cheaper than your average ticket in the West End.

These screenings have been organised by the British Museum In collaboration with the Goethe-Institut London and the German Screen Studies Network , for more details please visit the liked pages.



Low Countries History Seminars

By Vanessa Freedman, on 16 September 2014

The Institute of Historical Research will be holding a series of seminars on Low Countries History throughout the academic year, with Ulrich Tiedau and Benjamin Kaplan from UCL and Anne Goldgar from King’s College London.

From the abyss to the light with Dante

By ucylggg, on 9 May 2014

A one-day journey (17 May 2014)  through the text of Dante’s Divine Comedy, the sessions in this workshop will explore Dante’s life and works, the Inferno, the Purgatorio and the Paradiso.

Attendees will have the opportunity to view rare and early editions from the Dante Collection of  UCL Special Collections.

There are still places available,  for UCL students and staff this workshop is free of charge but you still need to register. For more information visit the Warburg Institute website

Dante workshop