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Modern Languages Blog



The Library coming to Foster Court…. well almost

By ucylggg, on 20 November 2015

Thanks to some strategic room-booking and my trusty laptop, this academic year I am bringing an  extension of the Library to Foster Court and more specifically to Room 351. I am running  weekly Drop-in session for all things library:

Tuesdays from 1pm to 2pm until Tuesday 15 December.

The sessions don’t have a specific topic so you can come with questions like, how do I find this book in the Library? You are probably thinking:  ‘I know how to find books in the library already; how very dare you?!’ But I also work at the Enquiry Desk and you’d be surprised. Anyway,  I digress, other questions you might have for example: which are the most relevant databases for SELCS subjects?  Can you explain what databases are? Is JSTOR the Google of  academic  databases? How do I  use EndNote? How do I set up alerts? So many questions to be answered and they will be answered. Just come to the sessions!


SELCS drop-in poster



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