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Modern Languages Blog



Portuguese Cine Club: Macunaíma & Capitães de Abril

By ucylggg, on 12 March 2015

Macunaima16 March 2015



Joaquim Pedro de Andrade


Foster Court 307 (Common room)

Free admission








26 March 2015Capitaes

Capitães de Abril


Maria de Medeiros


Foster Court 307 (Common room)

Free admission

Would you like to know more about these two films? Here are the links to the original posters:

Macunaima poster

Capitaes de Abril poster

For more information please visit the Portuguese Cine club @ SPLAS pages

Portuguese Cine Club: Central do Brasil – Tomorrow 22 January

By ucylggg, on 21 January 2015

Central do Brasil

Walter Salles’ Central do Brasil is screened tomorrow Thursday 22 January,  as usual,  more details on times and venue can be found on the  Portuguese Cine club @ SPLAS. pages.

Another free screening! Blindness by Meirelles

By ucylggg, on 14 November 2014

November is indeed a New Bitmap Image bounty month for free screenings.

The latest offering comes courtesy of the Portuguese Cine club @ SPLAS.

Blindness by Fernando Meirelles will be screened on 27 November.

If you’d like to explore more films  by Meirelles, check out the DVDs collection at the Main library. The collection has been moved back to the newly refurbished issue desk  area.