International Carbon Capture Workshop
By Richard B Macrory, on 20 May 2015
Professor Richard Macrory was a contributor to the recent international workshop of liability issues and carbon capture and storage organized in Paris by the International Energy Agency and the Global Carbon Capture Storage Institute. Professor Macrory and Ian Havercroft of the GCCSI and Hon. Senior Research Associate with the Centre presented key findings from their study Legal Liability and CCS – A Comparative Perspective published by the GCCSI last year, with Professor Macrory examining transfer mechanisms to the state. Following the workshop the IEA held the 7th International CCS Regulatory Network Meeting, attended by government officials and regulators , industry, and academic and private sector lawyers working in this field. Professor Macrory chaired the session on the implementation and review of the EU CCS Directive, and gave a presentation on the challenges of regulating CCS and Enhanced Oil Recovery using CO2, based on his report published last year, Legal Status of CO2 – Enhanced Oil Recovery