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UCL Centre for Law and Environment


UCL Laws


Archive for the 'Forthcoming events' Category

Annual Lecture 2016

By Maria Lee, on 30 August 2016

Offshore wind turbines

Local Publics and Offshore Wind Farms: constructing evidence in nationally significant infrastructure planning

Tuesday 11 October 2016, 18:00 – 19:00

Speaker: Professor Yvonne Rydin (UCL Barlett School of Planning)
Chair: Professor Maria Lee (UCL Laws)

About the lecture:

The regulation of offshore wind farms and other major renewable energy infrastructure provides an opportunity to examine the processes put in place by the Planning Act 2008. There has been little research on the operation of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) regime to date and an ESRC-funded project (Rydin, Lee, Lock and Natarajan No. 164522) is currently filling this gap. The project focuses particularly on how local publics are involved and their representations constructed – or not – as evidence. In this lecture, research on the NSIPs regime, based on detailed reading of extensive documentation, supplemented with on-going interviews, focus groups and attendance at hearings, will be used to show how science and technology studies (STS) offers insights into how the voice of local publics is constructed, the way that knowledge claims are recognised as evidence, and the role that material artefacts play in the hearings and deliberations.

About the speaker:

Yvonne Rydin has been at UCL since 2006. Before that she was at the LSE in the Department of Geography and Environment for 16 years. Prior to that she taught at the University of East London (Departments of Applied Economics and Land Mangement) and De Montfort University (School of Land and Building Studies). Yvonne has a BA in Land Economy (with Economics Part 1) and a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning Studies. She is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and an accredited Mediator.

Register your place:

New Centre for Law and the Environment Annual Lecture Series launched

By Chiara Armeni, on 3 August 2015

First Annual Lecture
Environmental Law in the Glasshouse:
A Decade of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and What It Tells Us About Environmental Law

Professor Liz Fisher, University of Oxford, Corpus Christi College

Tuesday 20 October 2015, 17:00 – 18:00 (followed by drinks reception)
at UCL Marquee (Main Quad), Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

The UCL Centre for Law and the Environment Annual Lecture Series is being launched in 2015 as a platform for the development and showcasing of contemporary environmental law scholarship. The Lectures are delivered on an annual basis and cover a wide range of environmental law scholarship and methodological approaches to law.

About this talk
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR), as with other information rights legislation, has now been fully in force for over a decade. The starting assumption for these different regimes is that they are straightforward mechanisms that balance a general right of disclosure against limited reasons for non-disclosure. The end result is presumed to be greater clarity about environmental governance. But a decade’s worth of Information Commissioner decision notices, and tribunal and court decision reveals the opposite. The application of the EIR regime is underpinned by assumptions about good environmental governance and its operation leads to a questioning of the structure and nature of environmental governance. This paper draws on a century’s worth of experience with glass in architecture to show that this is inevitable and not a negative. But it does mean that the EIR cannot be understood as simply cutting a window into the side of government to reveal what is inside.  Rather EIR and related regimes need to be understood as architectural structures that force us to reflect on the malleable and complex nature of environmental law.

About the speaker
Liz Fisher, BA/LLB (UNSW), D Phil (Oxon) is Professor of Environmental Law at Corpus Christi College and UL lecturer in the Faculty of Law. She researches in the areas of environmental law, risk regulation and administrative law. Much of her work has explored the interrelationship between law, administration and regulatory problems.
To read more about our speaker click here.
Read further work on this topic Liz Fisher: A Decade in the Glasshouse.

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For queries
Please email Cat Balogun (c.balogun@ucl.ac.uk), Events Coordinator, at UCL Faculty of Laws.

Save the date: Monday June 8th. Join us to celebrate World Oceans Day

By Ben M Milligan, on 6 May 2015

World Oceans DayRealising the potential of our oceans and coasts

Oceans and coasts are foundations of our well-being and economic prosperity. Oceans produce half of the oxygen we breathe and absorb 30% of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity. Marine and coastal ecosystems regulate water quality, attract tourism, protect cities and communities from storms and flooding, and support the livelihoods of millions of people globally. Nearly 3 billion people obtain almost 20% of their animal protein from fish. Increasingly we look to oceans and coasts for new sources of raw materials, medicines, biotechnology, and renewable energy.

Many of the benefits and opportunities provided by oceans and coasts are being missed or lost. Marine and coastal ecosystems and the valuable goods and services they provide are being rapidly degraded as a result of pollution, overfishing, climate change, and habitat destruction.

On World Oceans Day, please join us in London to hear and discuss how governments, communities and the private sector can respond to these challenges, and how you can help.

  • When: 8th June 2015 @ 6:30PM
  • Where: Ondaatje Theatre, Royal Geographical Society, London SW7 2AR
  • Agenda: Short expert presentations, High-level panel discussion and Q&A Reception.
  • Details: This event is free of charge. Seating is limited to 500 guests. To reserve a seat and help us plan catering: worldoceansdaylondon.eventbrite.co.uk
  • Media contact: b.milligan (at) ucl.ac.uk

Sheila Jasanoff gives the Haldane Lecture

By Maria Lee, on 18 February 2015

The Centre is delighted to be associated with this year’s UCL STS Haldane Lecture, ‘The Constitutional Place of Science’ by Professor Sheila Jasanoff on 12 March 2015.


UCL-KCL Postgraduate environmental law symposium

By Maria Lee, on 19 January 2015

This Symposium aims to provide environmental law and governance research students the opportunity to meet, present and discuss their work in a supportive environment. The sessions will be chaired by academics from UCL, KCL and beyond, all of whom are experts in the area. The Symposium is made possible by generous funding from the Dickson Poon School of Law, the UCL Faculty of Laws and the UCL Centre for Law and the Environment

More detail and registration at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/iii-ucl-kcl-postgraduate-environmental-law-symposium-tickets-14749372771


By Richard B Macrory, on 18 December 2014

A special conference to mark Professor Richard Macrory’smacrory_sm

contribution to the development of environmental law

Effective Enforcement of Environmental Law

at the UCL Faculty of Laws

Monday 30 March 2015 from 2 – 6pm and
Tuesday 31 March 2015 at 9am – 2pm

More about the symposium: