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UCL Centre for Law and Environment


UCL Laws


Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group

By Ben M Milligan, on 18 May 2013

As a component of the Centre’s project investigating legal implications of blue carbon, Ben Milligan participated in a workshop of the International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group, hosted by the University of Technology (UTS), Sydney on May 15-17 2013. The workshop focused on blue carbon science and policy opportunities in Australia and the Coral Triangle region, including discussions regarding seagrass research and blue carbon modelling and mapping. On May 16 workshop participants were treated to a tour of Towra Point and Silvers Beach in Botany Bay and were presented with an overview of the region’s tidal marsh, mangrove and seagrass habitats.

The Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group at Towra Point Nature Reserve in Botany Bay, Australia May 16, 2013. ©CI/photo by Sarah Hoyt The International Blue Carbon Initiative Scientific Workshop participants at the University of Technology, Sydney May 15, 2013. Photo courtesy of Conservation International.

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