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Identity & Infrastructure Applications


Information Services Division


What’s changing in February 2013

By Tim J Purkiss, on 23 January 2013

On 4th February 2013, the IDINA team will be releasing various changes to our applications. A summary of the changes follows:

  • UPI: The final part of the work we’ve called “Main Source” will be put live. This code is used to determine which Primary System record[1] will be used as the origin of the person data UPI makes available. At the moment, this is based on a hierarchy of systems but doesn’t take into account how current or active a record is (and therefore how up-to-date it may be). The change will mean UPI always presents the most appropriate active record.
  • UPI: We’re introducing a set of Archive tables. These will store information from the legacy UPI system and allow us to improve the quality of data by excluding incomplete records and making more information available to search functions within UPI.
  • Computer Reps Tool: A new version of the tool is being released. This will add new features to allow Computer Reps to see role accounts for their departments and to query membership of permission groups; and allow users to contact reps in a more secure way (rather than just have a published list of e-mail addresses).
  • Interfaces: a new interface to the Research Publications Service will allow UPI data to be combined with important additional information for REF2014.
  • Interfaces: changes to the interface to CMIS will allow more consistent display of names on the Online Timetable and Room Bookings systems.

How the data will change:


Services System and UPI Upgrade work – 5th November

By Tim J Purkiss, on 25 October 2012

On 5th November 2012, both the core UPI system and the Services System will be undergoing upgrade work.

This work will mean that:

The Services System will be unavailable in the evening of 5th November
from 5:30pm to c8:00pm

Both UPI and the Services System, including all interfaces, should be considered “at risk”
from 5:00pm on 5/11/12 to noon on 6/11/12.

In summary, the UPI release:

  • adds some additional student data to UPI core views;
  • tidies up, rationalises and brings up to coding standards many core UPI views and objects;
  • introduces ground work so UPI will be able better to provide the most up-to-date Person data record from the most suitable primary system;
  • fixes some inconsistencies in name formatting between the primary systems;
  • improves UPI Search Matching by taking into account Known As names;
  • includes a new interface for the CMIS timetabling system;
  • deploys changes required for the Identity & Access Management Project;
  • fixes other minor bugs and removes obsolete objects.

The Services System release:

  • updates the system in line with changes to UPI;
  • deploys forms converted to the latest Oracle Forms server technology;
  • allows user access to be disabled from within the application;
  • fixes minor bugs.

If you would like more information, please contact us using the form below.