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Identity & Infrastructure Applications


Information Services Division


Archive for July 31st, 2013

Changes to Services System

By Tim J Purkiss, on 31 July 2013

A new version of the Services System is being released on Tuesday 6th August.

The main change you will notice is to the Create Visitor screen (for users with Departmental Admin access only). The list for selecting the visitor type has now been replaced by a menu and the space below now offers a list and brief description of the visitor types available.

The new interface is illustrated below:



  1. The Role is displayed beside the Visit details. Use the Select button to open the menu …
  2. … to select a Visitor role.
  3. A brief description of Visitor types is provided below to help you select the most appropriate role.

We hope this will make creating visitors simpler. Behind the scenes it has allowed us to greatly simplify the database which will make the system easier to support.