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International Centre for Historical Research in Education


International Centre for Historical Research in Education (ICHRE) at the UCL Institute of Education (IOE) is a leading centre for historical research into education


Event recordings

Here you will find recordings of the online seminars given in 2020 and 2021.

IHR Seminar, 9 December 2021, ‘Colonial state and indigenous vernacular schools in nineteenth-century India’, Parimala V. Rao (Jawaharlal Nehru University)

IHR Seminar, 25 November 2021, ‘Colonization and Jesuit education in Brazil’,  Marisa Bittar (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) &  Amarilio Ferreira Jr. (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)

IHR Seminar, 7 October 2021, ‘Exploring what frames our research: The ordinariness of the nation in educational epistemology’ (Daniel Tröhler, University of Vienna)

IHR Seminar, 6 May 2021, Public examinations in secondary schools in the early 20th century: What undermined radical attempts to restrict them?  (Dr Andrew Watts, University of Cambridge)


IHR Seminar, 18 February 2021: ‘This paternalism was chafing’: The rise and fall of a community at Swansea University, 1945-1973 (Dr Sam Baxland, Swansea University)

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