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Focus on the Positive



Focusing on the UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences

By ucwetca, on 20 September 2016

Following the huge success of Focus on the Positive in helping researchers from the UCL Faculties of Built Environment, Engineering and Mathematical & Physical Sciences, the Public Engagement Unit is now focusing on offering opportunities to create real impact to our scientists within the UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences.


Votes cast at Focus on the Positive in East Ham

At UCL Culture, we are hoping to forge stronger connections to community groups and create opportunities for public voices to influence the teaching and research of UCL. We all have a stake in the future of medical and life science research and it is our responsibility within the university to make sure this is heard and valued. Our new run of Focus on the Positive events will be hosted in a variety of venues and with our community partners to ensure we get all sorts of voices contributing to the conversation: we’re committed to giving everyone a voice in the future of our work within the UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences.

Packed audience  at the Grant Museum

So far this year we have held events at the Grant Museum of Zoology, The Bloomsbury Studio and The Trinity Centre in East Ham. We have had 12 fantastic researchers pitching their projects, each one identifying unique approaches to creating a positive impact on society. Subjects discussed have included child and adolescent mental health data, cuts to disability services, a medical journal for kids and child facial surgery. We’ll have updates from the successful researchers in the next few months to talk about their experience and how their projects are coming along.


Freida Angullia pitches her work on child surgery

There will be one more event in 2016 and we hope to run a further two in early 2017. If you’re interested in coming along or if you’re a researcher with an idea you’d like to pitch, check out our Get Involved section.


We look forward to welcoming everyone to our next event in The Trinity Centre on the 14th of November 2016 and to continuing our conversations on what UCL can do to improve all of our lives and make a positive contribution!

Tadhg is a Public Engagement Coordinator within UCL Culture, focusing on the UCL School of Life and Medical Sciences

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