Decoding Fibres: Exhibition on display this summer

Map Master exhibition
Decoding Fibres, an exhibition curated by MA students from UCL’s Anthropology department, opened last week in the South Hall of UCL’s Wilkins Building.

The exhibition features an assemblage of objects from the Ethnographic Collection and invites viewers to enter into a ‘dialogue’ with various aspects of weaving through the display and its associated website .

Susie Chan UCL Exhibitions Co-ordinator setting up the display

Susie Chan
UCL Exhibitions Co-ordinator
setting up the display

The exhibition features detailed photographs of diverse woven items including a Congolese shield, a basket from Borneo and a Nigerian cloth. By zooming in on an object, viewers can begin to see the information its maker has encoded in the object’s warp and weft.

Curators: Holly White, Joy Ho Qi Yi, Jessica Knights, Lisa Peatfield, Ilaria Pulini