The Curious Case of a Nest

The Curious Case of a Nest

The Curious Case of a Nest, a paper written by Hanine Miriam Habig has recently been published on The Anthropolitan website. Hanine volunteered in the…

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The Rawlings collection

The Rawlings collection

Fieldwork in the Collection, a paper written by Hanine Miriam Habig has recently been published on The Anthropolitan website. Hanine volunteered in the collection between…

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Anthropolitan's last issue highlights our project with Congo Great Lakes group and The Horniman Museum

Anthropolitan’s last issue highlights our project with Congo Great Lakes group and The Horniman Museum

Written by Emily Garvin, 2nd year student at UCL Anthropology and volunteer in the collection, this paper explains this project, the type of workshops delivered…

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Anthropolitan's last issue highlights the lantern slides collection

Anthropolitan’s last issue highlights the lantern slides collection

Jane Pettitt, 1st Year BSc Anthropology, was part of the volunteers’team this year. She worked on the photo collection and then did some documentation research…

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