Written by Emily Garvin, 2nd year student at UCL Anthropology and volunteer in the collection, this paper explains this project, the type of workshops delivered…

It is still time to come and visit our Autumn-winter exhibition which is on display in UCL Ethnography Foyer. Entitled Keeping the past alive, this…

Written by Carys Wilkins, MA Material and Visual Culture, UCL Anthropology The aim of this session included data collection from the participants’ fieldwork diaries and…

Written by Carys Wilkins, MA Material and Visual Culture, UCL Anthropology The third session was organised by Johanna Zetterstrom-Sharp (Assistant Curator at Horniman Museum…

Written by Carys Wilkins, MA Material and Visual Culture, UCL Anthropology The aim of the second session was to introduce the participants to the…

Written by Carys Wilkins, MA Material and Visual Culture, UCL Anthropology UCL Anthropology and the Horniman Museum have hosted four workshops attended by members of…

Written by Carys Wilkins, MA Material and Visual Culture, UCL Anthropology Working with the Congo Great Lakes Initiative community group, UCL Anthropology is partnered with…

This video shows us the return of a Maori poutokomanawa, a carved figure used as a post within a Maori meeting house (wharenui), M.0069. Our…