Otoscopy survey
A survey to measure UK Audiologists’ otoscopic examination accuracy using video-otoscopic images
If you are an audiologist practicing in the UK we would like to invite you to participate in a study conducted by the UCL Ear Institute. We want to understand more about our profession’s otoscopy abilities. Previous studies have evaluated ENT surgeons and healthcare assistants’ skills but there is very limited information about audiologists’ otoscopy proficiency.
How confident are you in your otoscopy abilities? Can you tell your glomus rumour from your acute otitis media? We have developed a quiz to evaluate otoscopy skills. It takes about 20 minutes to complete. Add your email at the end to enter into our prize draw – one lucky winner will randomly be picked to receive a £50 voucher.
This project is part of an MSc project being conducted by the UCL Ear Institute, and it has been reviewed and approved by UCL Research Ethics Committee (12585/008).
This survey is now closed.
Answers to the quiz are available here.