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Digital Education team blog


Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team


Office for Students blended learning review

By Jo Stroud, on 25 April 2022

As many of the UCL community will be aware, the Office for Students (OfS) has launched a review of blended learning. Although the experience of the rapid and unplanned pivot to remote learning has been mixed, in the longer-term blended learning must be seen for its inclusive, positive, and facilitative qualities beyond the pandemic context. UCL teachers have demonstrated some outstanding practice in the past two years, and we are conscious of several strong arguments or narratives in support of effective blended teaching.

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The OfS has suggested that there are two key themes upon which the review will focus:
  • Effective delivery of a high-quality academic experience through a blended approach to teaching and learning
  • Resources to support a high-quality blended learning experience.

To support our engagement with this review alongside UCL initiatives such as the Education Priorities and Programme strategy, we would like to invite staff from across UCL to contribute an informal micro case study evidencing effective examples of blended learning. These can be drawn from any time period, either prior to the pandemic or during it, and should ideally underscore an intervention’s value and impact, highlighting key points such as the benefits to students and staff, effects on pedagogy, examples of practice, and so on. As a guideline, a response should be no longer than 250-300 words and submitted by COP 11th May.

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