Lecturecast Annual Archiving 2015
By Domi C Sinclair, on 27 July 2015
Lecturecast annual archiving will be taking place between the 3rd and the 8th August 2015. During this time the admin interface for Lecturecast will be unavailable, however any scheduled recordings will still take place.
What happens during archiving?
During the archiving process all recordings currently marked as either available or unavailable will be moved to the ‘archive’ category. Once they have been moved to this category they will be unavailable for viewing. If you would like any of these recording to remain available to students it is your responsibility to move them back from ‘archive’ to ‘available’. Instructions for un-archiving your content can be found at https://wiki.ucl.ac.uk/x/4w1iAQ.
Why is this necessary?
To manage the storage requirements of Lecturecast it is important to delete any content that is no longer required. Any content that is in the ‘archive’ and is older than 2 years is deleted from Lecturecast during our deletion cycles. You can read more about our deletion cycles and the archive process in the Lecturecast Resource Centre wiki: https://wiki.ucl.ac.uk/display/LecturecastResourceCentre/Retention%3A+Archiving+and+deletion+Policy
Any questions?
If you have any questions after visiting the Lecturecast Resource Centre then please email ele@ucl.ac.uk or phone the ISD Service Desk (ext 25000).
Thank you for your co-operation.
5 Responses to “Lecturecast Annual Archiving 2015”
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UCL_teaching wrote on 27 July 2015:
RT @UCL_ELE: Lecturecast Annual Archiving 2015: Lecturecast annual archiving will be taking place between the 3rd … http://t.co/VbOw4CQEQ3
UCL_ELE wrote on 29 July 2015:
Lecturecast archiving 3rd – 8th August 2015. The system will be unavailable during this time. For more please see http://t.co/VbOw4CQEQ3
Domi_Sinclair wrote on 29 July 2015:
Lecturecast archiving 3rd – 8th August 2015. The system will be unavailable during this time. For more please see http://t.co/uGgM7MWHrK
UCL_ELE wrote on 31 July 2015:
Final reminder: Lecturecast archiving starts next week. The system will be unavailable during this time. For more see http://t.co/VbOw4CQEQ3
Lecturecast Annual Archiving 2015: Lecturecast annual archiving will be taking place between the 3rd … http://t.co/VbOw4CQEQ3