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Cycling to School



Who we are


The Cycle to School Partnership project brings together many groups and organisations, all of whom have strong connections with the Somers Town area, urban research, transport and urban infrastructure and community projects. Here we’d like to introduce some of the key members of the project;

  • The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
  • Camden Council
  • Izaskun Chinchilla – Public Engagement Fellow
  • Public Engagement Unit, UCL
  • Space Syntax Laboratory, UCL

At it’s heart, the project is led by a collaboration between the Bartlett School of ArchitectureUniversity College London (UCL), and Camden Council.

Leading the project through a Public Engagement Fellowship is architect Izaskun Chinchilla
Izaskun  has driven her own office in Spain for the last ten years and she is also Senior Teaching Fellow and Senior Research Associate in the University College of London, Bartlett School of Architecture. Her Public Engagement Fellowship, which began in September 2013, ensures all her research and design actions will be advised by the Public Engagement Unit at UCL.

UCL’s Public Engagement Unit is key to facilitating strong and productive relationships between the University and. The Public Engagement Unit ‘support activities which encourage a culture of two-way conversation between university staff and students, and people outside the university.’