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Alumni Events



Alumni Hong Kong Event

By ucyohbe, on 25 April 2013


Provost Lecture ‘Globalisation of Higher Education:
What does it mean to be a truly international university?

Written by guest blogger Amrita Ahuja (Current UCL student –  LLB Law with Another Legal System)  

I was delighted to be invited to a UCL Hong Kong Alumni event; a lecture given by UCL Provost Professor Grant which was  entitled ‘Globalisation of Higher Education: What does it mean to be a truly international university?’

As a UCL student, currently on a study exchange at Hong Kong University, I recognize that the globalisation of universities has given students such as myself, opportunities to travel and contribute to the global community. Therefore I was really interested in attending the event and hearing the lecture.

The lecture and reception was held at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Hall and the room was filled with UCL alumni.  Through his lecture the Provost highlighted the common bond of those attending: in one way or another, we had all benefited from the “globalisation” of UCL and the opportunities this had given students from all around the world.

The speech was an honest reflection on both the challenges and successes of his 10 years at UCL and a projection of future challenges that higher education faces.  During the course of his lecture, the Provost outlined the role of universities in economies around the world, and how, more than ever, they are vital to growth, change and integration. UCL has been at the centre of these developments in times of financial crisis and is facing economic restraints, tuition fee increases and visa issues; but the University maintains its high standards and global reputation. This, as the speech suggested, has been down to understanding globalisation and how universities are to adapt to change. In the future, the Provost called for greater collaboration amongst disciplines as well as leading universities, as seen with the Yale UCL Collaborative programme.

Attendees of the event also included current and prospective UCL students who live in Hong Kong. For us the Provost’s  words on the future of UCL were extremely interesting. His forecast for the future included curriculum changes, the UCL Liberal Arts programme; challenges caused by private universities and the new MOOC system that has been initiated by Harvard University and MIT.

After the lecture, we were invited to a drinks reception, which was a wonderful opportunity to share our experiences of the University. It was great to see just how close the Hong Kong UCL Alumni community is and the enthusiasm with which they organise such events. The speech was very well received and enjoyed by all who attended. The Provost’s thought-provoking and highly articulate lecture was the perfect way to highlight just how global UCL is and will continue to be in the future.

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Hong Kong Alumni Event

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