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Catalytic properties of transition metal carbides



Archive for the 'Applications' Category

Nanostructured TMCs for methane activation

By Hector Prats, on 6 April 2022

Extended TMC surfaces can be used as catalysts for a considerable number of reactions [1], or as catalytically active supports for metal particles [2], displaying very high activities. But what happens in the opposite case, where a TMC nanoparticle is supported on a metal? Well, it turns out that this is can be great strategy for obtaining highly active catalysts! Let’s see an example.

In a recent article [3], M. Figueras et al. showed that MoCy (y = 0.5-1.3) nanoparticles supported on Au -which is completely inert towards methane- can adsorb and dissociate methane at room temperature and low methane partial pressure.

Why is methane activation important?

Natural gas is a common source of energy for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. In this gas, methane is the major component and its activation and transformation can have a major impact in industrial operations and environmental pollution control, given that methane greenhouse capabilities are about 23 times larger than those of carbon dioxide. Research endeavours have been undertaken to make it possible to use methane as a feedstock for commodity chemicals such as methanol, ethylene, or benzene.

Why is methane activation challenging?

The activation of this hydrocarbon is particularly difficult due to the high strength of the C-H bonds (4.51 eV/mol for the first bond dissociation energy) and the non-polar character of the molecule. In this respect, it is well known that the methane monooxygenase enzyme is able to activate methane at room temperature. However, this biological system cannot be used in industrial-scale operations. Moreover, to avoid the decomposition of the products and competing reactions, methane activation should proceed at low or medium temperatures.


Optimised geometries (top and side views) for the adsorption of methane on different MoCy/Au(111) models. Au, Mo, C, and H atoms are shown as yellow, blue, black, and white spheres, respectively.

Experimental results

A series of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) experiments, combined with thermal desorption mass spectroscopy (TDS) showed that the Au-supported MoCy nanoparticles are able to dissociate methane at room temperature, and the activity, the stability, and the strength of the interaction with CHx species appears to depend on the C/Mo ratio. While C-deficient nanoparticles are very reactive, they feature low stability due to the strong binding of adsorbed CHx species, which leads to an increase in the C/Mo ratio upon annealing. On the other hand, Mo-deficient systems present the right balance of stability and activity. Although they are less reactive, they are still able to dissociate methane at room temperature, ands are stable under an atmosphere of methane.

Insights from density functional theory (DFT) calculations

A series of DFT calculations on a set of supported MoCy nanoparticle models with different C/Mo ratios confirm that these nanoparticles feature much stronger methane adsorption energies than extended MoC or Mo2C surfaces, with adsorption energy values up to -1.16 eV. Moreover, the energy barrier for methane dissociation on the nanoparticles can be as low as 0.08 eV for C-deficient systems, in agreement with the experimental findings.


All in all, this study opens the way for the preparation of a new family of active catalysts for methane activation and conversion under mild conditions, thus widening the applications of existing natural gas resources, and is a good example of how the activity of TMCs can be boosted by nanostructuring.


[1] F. Viñes et al, J. Catal. 2008, 260, 103-112

[2] J. A. Rodriguez et al, J. Catal. 2013, 307, 1162-169

[3] M. Figueras et al, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 7110-7118

Atomistic and electronic structure of metal clusters supported on transition metal carbides: implications for catalysis

By Hector Prats, on 29 December 2021

TMCs have been attracting an increasing amount of interest in the last few decades in the field of heterogeneous catalysis due to all their nice properties described in a previous post. However, apart from the use of TMCs per se as active catalysts, they can also be used as catalytically active supports [1]. This line of research originated from the theoretical discovery that TiC can modify the electronic structure of supported Au particles, thereby drastically increasing their catalytic activity through strong metal-support interactions (SMSIs) between Au and TiC [2].

In this post, we list the main findings of our latest research paper just published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A [3], where we study the atomic and electronic properties of small metal clusters of precious metals (Rh, Pd, Pt and Au) and more affordable metals (Co, Ni and Cu) supported on TMCs with 1:1 stoichiometry (TiC, ZrC, HfC, VC, NbC, TaC, MoC and WC). Our study employs periodic DFT calculations within a high-throughput screening framework to obtain the structural and electronic properties of these materials.

Bulk and slab models

Figure 1. Bulk and slab models. The systems belonging to each bulk or slab model are indicated below the drawing.

For all carbides under consideration except MoC and WC, the most stable phase corresponds to a face-centred cubic (fcc) crystal packing [4]. The lowest energy surfaces for all these carbides have been shown to be the (001) faces. For MoC and WC, fcc and hexagonal closed packed (hcp) phases can be synthesised by employing different carburising agents. In the case of the MoC hexagonal phase, the Mo- and C-terminated (001) faces have been theoretically predicted to be the lowest energy ones, with similar stability [5], but for the WC hcp phase, the lowest energy surface is the W-terminated (001) face.

Atomic structure

  • for both cubic and hexagonal TMCs, supported metal clusters bind to surface C rather than surface metal atoms

This result is observed by comparing the total energies of several possible configurations for 3 and 4 atom clusters on top of the TMC slabs. In fact, the higher melting points of metal carbides compared to the corresponding metals or metal alloys indicates that C-metal bonds are stronger than metal-metal bonds. Although the reason for this result is not entirely clear, it is probably because the mixing of the d states of the supported cluster with the C p states is stronger than with the metal d states of the TMC. Interestingly, previous XPS experiments on Au/TiC confirmed the formation of stronger bonds of Au with C than with Ti, as evidenced by the large Au-induced shift in the C 1s core level, while only small changes in peak position were observed in the Ti 2p peaks after the deposition of Au [6].

The following results are also observed:

  • there is also a broad preference for the formation of 2D clusters over 3D, except for Au clusters, where the tC-th tetrahedral configuration is normally lower in energy than the flat ones
  • in many 4-atom clusters, there is a large vertical displacement of the nearest surface C atom, placing itself in the centre of the metal cluster

Binding strength

Figure 2. A) Averages of the adsorption energy per atom (top), and formation energy of the cluster (bottom). Averages by metal and by support are plotted in the left and right panels, respectively. In the left panels, the averages have been separated in three categories: fcc (blue), hcp M-terminated (orange) and hcp C-terminated (green) TMC supports. Note that the latter does not correspond to an average, as there is only one data point (i.e., h-MoC(001)-C). B) Scatter plot of the adsorption energy per atom against the cluster formation energy. Only the most stable configurations for each cluster-support pair are considered in all plots.

The stability of the metal clusters on TMC surfaces is evaluated by calculating the adsorption energy per atom and the formation energy of the cluster (see their definitions in our work). The adsorption energy is a measure of the binding strength of the cluster to the TMC surface, so that negative  values correspond to favourable adsorption, and the more negative the stronger the binding. On the other hand, the formation energy is a measure of the stability of the clusters compared to the bulk metal, and therefore it can be used as a descriptor for resistance to metal aggregate formation (coarsening). A negative formation energy for a given cluster indicates that the cluster configuration is thermodynamically preferred over the bulk.

  • Clusters bind more strongly to hexagonal (001) TMC surfaces than to cubic (001) ones (Figure 2A)

Interestingly, hexagonal (001) surfaces resemble cubic (111) surfaces, which are less stable than cubic (001) surfaces but are generally more active, due to the existence of more surface states near the Fermi level [7] and higher d-band centres [8]. Thus, they interact more strongly with the supported clusters.

  • For the hexagonal (001) surfaces, the C-termination interacts more strongly with the clusters than the M-termination (Figure 2A)

This result can be explained by the fact that, in TMCs, metal-C bonds are in general stronger than the metal-metal bonds.

  • The strongest binding is found for Rh and Pt clusters, while the lowest is found for Cu and Au clusters (Figure 2A)

Cu and Au are coinage metals, and therefore have filled d states that are lower in energy. This leads to a higher occupation of antibonding states when interacting with the d bands of carbides, and therefore weaker binding.

Figure 3. A) Histogram of the shifts in the atomic adsorption energies of the metal clusters due to the presence of surface C vacancies (negative values indicate stronger binding with C vacancies). B) Distribution of net atomic Bader charges for the supported clusters on the stoichiometric TMC (top) and in the presence of surface C vacancies (bottom).

  • Surface C vacancies increase the binding strength of the supported clusters (Figure 3A)

In the absence of a surface C atom, supported clusters can pull more electron density from the carbide, leading to a higher charge transfer and therefore stronger binding. In fact, the clusters end up being more reduced when supported on C-vacancy sites.

As a final remark, note that the scatter plot in Figure 2B shows that Co, Ni and Rh clusters supported on the C-terminated h-MoC(001) surface are the more stable systems, from a purely energetic point of view. The opposite corner of the plot contains most Cu and Au clusters on cubic TMCs. Despite that, small Cu and Au particles in contact with TiC(001) were predicted theoretically and demonstrate experimentally to be good catalysts for CO2 activation and the catalytic synthesis of methanol [9]. Therefore, we expect that all the small metal clusters supported on TMCs considered in this work will remain anchored at a given site, without tending to aggregate into larger clusters and, more importantly, without any tendency to escape from the TMC surface.

Charge transfer

Figure 4. A) Heatmap of net atomic Bader charges for each cluster-TMC pair. B) Average net atomic Bader charges by metal (left panel) and by support (right panel). All Bader charges are calculated for the lowest energy configurations.

Figure 5. A) Electronegativity of all elements involved in the present study. B) Net atomic Bader charges of surface C atoms in the clean TMCs as a function of the electronegativity of the TMC metal atoms. C) Net atomic Bader charges of the supported clusters plotted against net atomic Bader charges of surface C atoms in the clean TMCs. All Bader charges are calculated for the lowest energy configurations.

  • The charge transfer resulting from cluster adsorption is much higher -in absolute value- in hexagonal (001) surfaces than in cubic (001) ones (Figure 4)

In C-terminated hexagonal surfaces, the more electronegative surface C (Figure 5) atoms pull electron density from the supported cluster, oxidising it. Similarly, in M-terminated hexagonal surfaces, the less electronegative surface metal atoms yield electron density to the supported cluster, reducing it. These cases correspond to the two extreme situations in which the difference in electronegativity between the surface atoms and the supported cluster atoms is highest, leading to higher charge transfer. However, in cubic surfaces, half of the surface atoms correspond to C and the other half to metals, leading to a lower electronegativity difference between surface atoms and cluster atoms and, therefore, lower charge transfer.

  • In hexagonal surfaces, supported clusters are oxidised in the C-termination and reduced in M-termination (Figure 4)

As discussed above, the C-termination grasp electron density from the cluster (C is more electronegative), whereas the M-termination yields electron density to the cluster (surface metal atoms are less electronegative).

  • Supported clusters become more reduced (or less oxidised) when going down a group in the periodic table (Figure 4B)

Indeed, the electronegativity of cluster atoms increases when going down a group, explaining this result.

  • The net atomic charges of supported clusters are correlated with the net atomic charges of surface C before cluster adsorption (Figure 5C)

The higher the electron density of the C atoms before adsorption, the higher the density the metal cluster can pull (or the lower density it can yield) once the cluster and the TMC interact. Thus, those TMCs with a higher ionic character (e.g. ZrC or HfC) are more prone to yielding electron density to metallic clusters.

Polarisation of the electron density

Figure 6. Charge density difference plots for Cu, Co, Pd and Pt clusters supported on selected TMC facets. The isosurface level is taken as 0.0015 e·bohr-3. Yellow regions denote accumulation of charge density, while blue regions denote charge density depletion.

Despite no significant charge transfer in most of the studied systems, the TMC support always induces a significant polarisation of the cluster electron density, resulting in an accumulation of charge density at the interface between the cluster and the support and a charge depletion on top of the cluster atoms. Moreover, we observe that:

  • The most polarised cluster are those of Pt, Pd and Rh, while the least polarised ones are those of Co and Cu.

Larger atoms such as Pt, Pd and Rh, which have more loosely held electrons and more diffuse orbitals, have a higher polarisability than smaller atoms such as Co and Cu, which have tightly bound electrons.


The deposition of small metal particles on TMCs can lead to stable catalysts with unique catalytic properties. By carefully selecting elements with desired electronegativity for the host TMC and the metal cluster, it is possible to manipulate the charge of the supported cluster and tune the amount of charge density on the cluster hollow sites, which can facilitate the bonding of certain molecules. Moreover, we identify Pt, Pd and Rh clusters supported on hexagonal TMC (001) facets as the candidates with the highest potential catalytic activity and stability, as estimated from the degree of polarisation of the electron density and the values for the adsorption energy and formation energy. We hope that the trends identified in this study will provide a solid theoretical background from which potential catalytic activity and stability can be estimated and understood, paving the road for further studies on the interaction and catalytic conversion of chemical species with TMC-supported metallic nanoclusters.



[1] J. Catal. 2013, 307, 162-169; [2] J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 127, 211102; [3] J. Mat. Chem. A  2022, Accepted Manuscript (DOI 10.1039/D1TA08468B); [4] Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 6905-6916; [5] Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15, 12617-12625; [6] J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 127, 211102; [7] Surf. Sci. Rep. 1995, 21, 177; [8] Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 6905; [9] J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3, 2275-2280

Applications of transition metal carbides: engineering

By Hector Prats, on 20 October 2021

In the previous post we reviewed the special physical and mechanical properties exhibited by carbides based on the transition metals of Groups 4 to 6, which make them attractive for use in engineering applications. In this post, we discuss how these properties can be exploited for its use as industrial tools.

Why are TMCs so attractive for engineering applications?

TMCs are characterised by high melting points (2000-4000 K), high hardness (1200-3000 kg/mm²), high elastic modulus (300-700 GPa), and good heat and electrical conductivity, exceeding those of their parent transition metals. In addition, they are chemically stable at room temperature and are resistant to hydrolysis by weak acids.

However, TMCs have an important drawback relative to engineering applications: low ductility at room temperature. Below 1070 K, these materials fail in a brittle manner, while above this temperature they become ductile and deform plastically on multiple slip systems much like fcc metals. This transition arises from the combination of a temperature-dependent yield stress and relatively temperature-independent fracture stress. Below the transition temperature, the stress required to fracture (fracture stress) is lower than that required to move dislocations (yield stress), and vice-versa.

Circular saw blade with WC inserts

Cemented carbides

TMCs are not only brittle at room temperature; they are also difficult to manufacture. For engineering applications, the hard carbides are therefore cemented by a ductile metal binder, usually Co or Ni (hence the name cemented carbides). Additions of binder metal in the range of 5-20 wt% increase the toughness of the tools without seriously reducing hardness, rigidity, or compressive strength.

The first cemented carbides to be produced in the early 1920s were WC with Co binders, used in dies employed to draw tungsten wire filaments. Since then, WC-Co carbides have been modified by adding Ti, Ta or Nb and the resulting allows are employed in metal cutting, mining, construction, rock drilling, metal forming, structural components, wear parts and other applications. These applications exploit, to varying degrees, the unique combination of hardness, toughness, compressive strength, rigidity, abrasion and corrosion resistance, and resistance to thermal shock offered by cemented carbides.

Coated carbides

TMCs are also used as coating materials over WC-Co based alloys for metal cutting applications. For instance, thin coatings (2-20 μm) of TiC are applied to the cemented carbide tools through chemical or physical vapor deposition to suppress various tool wear processes such as crater wear, flank wear, depth-of-cut notching, or built-up edge. This coating extends tool life of cemented carbides and improves their metal cutting productivity.

WC inserts for metal cutting

Metal-forming applications

The high compressive strength, good abrasion resistance, high elastic modulus, good impact and shock resistance, and ability to take and retain excellent surface finish by cemented carbides makes them particularly useful in metal-forming applications, especially in the case of WC due to its high fracture strength. In the wire-drawing industry, cemented carbides with high Co contents are used in drawing tubes, rods and bars.

Cemented carbides have also replaced hardened alloy steel rolls in the production of hot-rolled steel rods, allowing for closer dimensional control, truer roundness, improved rod finish, non-galling tendency, and increased delivery speeds. They are also well suited for the cold reduction and finishing of strip products in which rigidity and dimensional stability are important. Moreover, their high abrasion resistance and edge strength make them ideal for use as slitter knives for trimming steel cans and stainless and carbon steel strips, cutting abrasive materials in the paper, cellophane and plastics industries, and for slitting magnetic tapes for audio, video, and computer applications. Finally, their high compressive strength and deformation resistance make them practical for use in cold-forming equipment such as punches and dies.

Structural components

The high elastic modulus, compressive strength, and wear resistance of cemented carbides make them ideal candidates for use in structural components, such as boring bars, long shafts, and plungers, where reduction in deflection, chatter, and vibration are of concern.

Fluid-handling components

Thanks to their rigidity, hardness, dimensional stability, and their resistance to abrasion, corrosion, and extreme temperatures, cemented carbides provide superior performance in fluid-handling applications such as seal rings, valve stems and seats, and nozzles.

Transportation and construction

Steel tools with cemented carbide cutting tips are used for road planning, soil stabilisation, asphalt reclamation, vertical and horizontal drilling, trenching, dredging, tunnel boring, forestry, and for snowplow blades, tire studs, and street sweeper skids.

Mining and drilling

Cemented carbides also play an important role in the recovery of metallic ores and nonmetals by underground or open-pit mining practices, the recovery of minerals such as coal, potash, and trona, and in drilling for oil.

Diamond cutting

Finally, cemented carbides also find use as a support for polycrystalline diamond (PCD) cutting tips, or as a matrix alloy (with cobalt, nickel, copper, and iron) in which diamond particles are embedded.


A. T. Santhanam. Application of transition metal carbides and nitrides in industrial tools. In: S. T. Oyama (eds) The Chemistry of Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides (1996). Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-009-1565-7_2

R. M. Miranda, Joining Cemented Carbides. In: V. K. Sarin (eds) Comprehensive Hard Materials (2014). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-096527-7.00019-2.