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Catalytic properties of transition metal carbides



Let’s get started!

By Hector Prats, on 27 September 2021

Welcome to this blog of scientific dissemination, which deals with the properties of transition metal carbides (TMCs), a family of materials that has attracted much interest in recent decades due to their interesting physical and chemical properties.

My name is Hector Prats (PhD in Chemistry at University of Barcelona), and I am currently a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher at University College London (UCL) in the group of Dr Michail Stamatakis.

In this blog, I will write about the basic properties of these materials, such as their high conductivity and thermal stability, and also about their main uses, such as in the field of batteries or heterogeneous catalysis. In addition, I will present the articles derived from my research on TMCs at UCL, and also other relevant articles on this family of materials from the literature.

This UCL Blog is part of the dissemination activities corresponding to the EU-funded project TMC4MPO, which aims to discover and identify novel catalysts for methane partial oxidation (MPO) based on small metal clusters supported on TMCs.

I invite you to know about the properties and applications that these interesting materials hide, and I hope you enjoy it!


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