let’s get UCL to sign up to 10:10
By Jon Agar, on 29 November 2009
How do we do something about climate change? At international level, progress is as slow as treacle – although we are waiting to see what might happen at Copenhagen. On an individual scale it seems that small steps are not enough. It’s easy to be despondent.
Which is why Franny Armstrong’s 10: 10 campaign is a breath of fresh air. The idea is that you sign up and commit to a 10% cut in carbon emissions in 2010. The clever bit is that the ‘you’ can be an individual, a business, or an organisation of any scale. And if enough ‘yous’ join in then we – the whole country – can achieve a ten percent cut.
As the 10:10 campaigners say: “By signing up to a 10% target we’re not just supporting 10:10 – we’re making it happen. In our homes, in our workplaces, our schools and our hospitals, our galleries and football clubs and universities, we’ll be backing each other up as we take the first steps on the road to becoming a zero-carbon society. It’s easy to feel powerless in the face of a huge problem like climate change, but by uniting everyone behind immediate, effective and achievable action, 10:10 enables all of us to make a meaningful difference.”
So let’s try to get UCL to sign up!
The roll call of people, businesses and organisations that have signed up to 10:10 is impressive. There are lots of good reasons why UCL should join: UCL is a beacon of public engagement, UCL would be the first 10:10 university and therefore be exemplifying its own commitment to global citizenship by taking a lead, and the 10:10 campaign’s HQ is in Camden and therefore on our doorstep.
Comment below if you want to join the ‘Let’s get UCL to sign up to 10:10’ campaign.
Let’s think of next steps too.
12 Responses to “let’s get UCL to sign up to 10:10”
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Sarah Marks wrote on 23 December 2009:
I fully agree – it would also be an excellent practical gesture in agreement with UCL’s public engagement on climate change and global health.
Hayden Crocker wrote on 2 January 2010:
I completely agree with the idea, I notice that this post was made a long time ago, has there been any progress since? I would be very interested in joining some sort of pressure group.
Biznes.Lady wrote on 27 March 2010:
А может мне кто подскажет хороший ресурс по малой авиации, заранее спс.
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I think this is an excellent idea.
Cutting UCL’s carbon footprint could also tie in with the 6% budget cuts that are needed. Afterall saving energy often means saving money.