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European Languages, Culture and Society


UCL SELCS Brazilian Translation Club (26 May 2020)

By Ulrich Tiedau, on 26 May 2020

UCL Brazilian Translation Club

The UCL SELCS Brazilian Translation Club carries on online! Rewatch our virtual translation club discussion about the short story ‘O benfeitor de Santa Clara’ by Décio Zylberstajn with guest translator Larissa Jordão from 26 May 2020.

The Brazilian Translation Club is a series of workshops in which students, translators, and enthusiasts of Brazilian literature meet to discuss the translation of a selected contemporary Brazilian short story. It is a partnership between Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva, Associate Professor in Brazilian Studies, Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies, UCL, and Nara Vidal, writer, and owner of Capitolina Books. In each workshop, a different member reads out their translation and leads the discussion. The sessions are fun and very productive. Anyone who translates from and into Portuguese or has some knowledge of the language is welcome.

Translation and Collaboration: UK Dutch Students Combine Forces to Translate Fikry El Azzouzi’s De Beloning

By Christine E Sas, on 2 May 2020

by Fikry El Azzouzi, UCLDutch Writer in Residence 2020Rachel West, 18/04/20

February 2020 marked the beginning of a collaborative translation project on an excerpt from Fikry El Azzouzi’s De Beloning. The project saw the coming together of three universities which are home to the Dutch language departments in the UK: The University of Sheffield, The University of Nottingham and the University College London. Three universities, twenty-one students and one book extract to translate from Dutch to English, the project aimed to promote cultural exports from Flanders while providing students an opportunity to gain real, hands-on experience in translation. Despite the unexpected curveball of the Coronavirus outbreak, a complete commitment to the task prevailed. Here’s how we got on!
