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European Languages, Culture and Society


Online Film Evening: Run Lola Run (26 May 2020)

By Christine E Sas, on 22 May 2020

Run Lola RunDear colleagues,

We hope you are keeping safe and well as far as possible. We’re writing to let you know of a new idea, which is to create a regular online film viewing for / with students.  Dutch Studies initiated a weekly film evening in term 3 and are now joining forces with German, whilst hoping this could become an all-SELCS/CMII event in the weeks to come, provisionally up to the end of Term 3, if students take it up. The aim is, rather like the SELCS Summer Book Club which is such a great idea, to see if this is something via which we can continue to engage and keep in touch with our students (for my own part I am hoping to learn lots too 😊).

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Translation and Collaboration: UK Dutch Students Combine Forces to Translate Fikry El Azzouzi’s De Beloning

By Christine E Sas, on 2 May 2020

by Fikry El Azzouzi, UCLDutch Writer in Residence 2020Rachel West, 18/04/20

February 2020 marked the beginning of a collaborative translation project on an excerpt from Fikry El Azzouzi’s De Beloning. The project saw the coming together of three universities which are home to the Dutch language departments in the UK: The University of Sheffield, The University of Nottingham and the University College London. Three universities, twenty-one students and one book extract to translate from Dutch to English, the project aimed to promote cultural exports from Flanders while providing students an opportunity to gain real, hands-on experience in translation. Despite the unexpected curveball of the Coronavirus outbreak, a complete commitment to the task prevailed. Here’s how we got on!

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Eerste Nederlandse online filmavond (met pre-film praatje en discussie achteraf), Dinsdag 5 mei 2020 om 7pm

By Christine E Sas, on 29 April 2020


Beste allemaal,
We hopen dat het goed gaat met jullie in deze tijden van zeer beperkte bewegingsruimte! Het derde trimester is, virtueel, weer begonnen en het Dutch Department nodigt je van harte uit voor onze eerste Nederlandse filmavond, gepland op dinsdagavond 5 mei om 7 pm.
Dit is het plan:
  • We komen samen op Team ‘Koffieuurtje’ op Microsoft Teams voor een ‘Pre-film’ praatje om 7 pm
  • We kijken allemaal naar de film ‘Antonia’ via de website van het UCL Language Centre: https://resources.clie.ucl.ac.uk/home/sac/dutch/films (je logt in met je UCL credentials)
  • Vervolgens praten we na en wisselen gedachten uit over de film, weer via Teams.
Hieronder vind je een synopsis van de film Antonia (‘Antonia’s line‘ in het Engels): https://www.filmvandaag.nl/film/194-antonia. Ons idee is om elke dinsdagavond gedurende het derde trimester een Nederlandse filmavond te houden.
Tot dan! Veel groeten,
Linda, Christine, Hans, Reinier en Uli

Brazilian Translation Club: ‘Memória de Mulher’ by Eltânia André

By a.surianidasilva, on 16 April 2020

Brazilian Translation ClubThe Brazilian Translation Club is moving online! Join us for our virtual translation club discussion about the short story ‘Memória de Mulher’, by Eltânia André, on the 28th of April at 6:30 pm (BST/UTC+1). Our guest translator is Lúcia Collischonn.

The event is taking place online only via Microsoft Teams. Please sign up for the event via Eventbrite and we will send you an invitation to your email to join the meeting. Join us for a virtual glass of wine and some discussion on Brazilian literature. All are welcome, and you do not have to be a translator to join in. Spread the word. We hope to see you there.

The Brazilian Translation Club is a series of workshops in which students, translators and enthusiasts of Brazilian literature meet to discuss the translation of a selected contemporary Brazilian short story. It is a partnership between Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva, Associate Professor in Brazilian Studies, Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies, UCL, and Nara Vidal, writer, and owner of Capitolina Books. In each workshop, a different member reads out their translation and leads the discussion. The sessions are fun and very productive. Anyone who translates from and into Portuguese or has some knowledge of the language is welcome.

Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva