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European Languages, Culture and Society


Film Club: Alamar / To the Sea (dir. Pedro González Rubio, 2009)

By mererid.davies and Christine E Sas, on 8 July 2020

AlamarWe’re looking forward to our next film for the SELCS/CMII Film Club, Alamar / To the Sea (dir. Pedro González Rubio, 2009), to be introduced by Debbie Martin.

Debbie writes: “To quote one of its reviews, Alamar is a ‘sun-kissed dream drift’ of a film, a luminous and magical journey to the threatened marine environment of Mexico’s Chinchorro Reef. So, if you’re longing for a break from Covid-imposed confinement, you might enjoy this film! It’s also an interesting film for thinking about questions of cinematic pleasure, slowness and immersive aesthetics, as well as the boundaries of documentary.”

View the film here (link to BoB), at your convenience. If you’d like to join us for a lively and very informal discussion of this film at 4pm on Tue 14 July on Microsoft Teams, please join the Film Club here. We will add some points and questions on the Team for you to think about while viewing the film, so do have a look at them in advance.

Looking ahead, we have had so many suggestions of intriguing films from staff and students that Film Club is now planned to continue through to Tue 28 July (inclusive). After that we’ll take a summer break. We will post our programme from week to week on the Team as we go along. All SELCS/CMII students and staff are welcome to drop in, either regularly or occasionally.

Finally, we are now also thinking about next academic year and that it would be great to see Film Club continue. We are looking for a team (students and / or staff) to help take it forward for next term, so if you are interested or have any questions, please do get in touch.

Best wishes and happy viewing,

Mererid and Christine


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