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European Languages, Culture and Society


Film Club: Marleen Gorris, A Question of Silence, 1982 (30 June)

By Christine E Sas, on 29 June 2020


A female psychiatrist is appointed by a judge to evaluate three women who, strangers to each other, have each confessed to the murder of the same man. Their rage toward and hatred of their male-dominated society is gradually understood by the psychiatrist, who begins to question her own nature.

“A Question of Silence is a fluent reminder of the cinema’s ability not only to please us with the eloquence of formal, optical arrangements and conventional scenarios, but to critically alter the moments of our lives: to connect the suggestions in the movie theater’s darkened interiority with the exteriority of public life. And in doing so, it is another step in the welcoming of female spectators into the audience of men.” – Barbara Kruger

View the film here (link to YouTube), at your convenience.

If you’d like to join us for a lively and very informal discussion of this film at 4pm on Tue 30 June on Microsoft Teams, please join the Film Club here.

We will add some points and questions on the Team for you to think about while viewing the film, and as talking points for the discussion, so do have a look at them in advance.

Looking ahead, we have had so many suggestions of intriguing films from staff and students that Film Club is now planned to continue through to Tue 28 July (inclusive). After that we’ll take a summer break. We will post our programme from week to week on the Team as we go along.

All SELCS/CMII students and staff are welcome to drop in, either regularly or occasionally.

Best wishes and happy viewing,

Mererid and Christine


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