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UCL Life Learning


Professional Development, Summer Schools, Executive Education and Personal Learning


Coming Soon….Online Courses, Google Tools and more

By Alison Pretlove, on 7 October 2014

As we start to see autumn begin to arrive after a very welcome Indian summer, the UCL Life Learning team are ramping up activity around our new website which we are hoping will go live this side of Christmas, with a proper launch scheduled for early next year.  The new site will be THE place for interested learners to find out about short courses delivered by all UCL departments who have sent through information about their portfolio of activities.  The courses may be online, face to face or blended and could be week long intensive or once a week over 3 months.  We think UCL has something for everyone, whether they are professionals seeking training to help them do their job better or those simply interested in a subject for their own personal learning development.  We believe that the website will significantly improve discovery of courses by surfers and it will also provide a locked down staff site housing useful tools for UCL staff who are interested in developing and delivering learning activities under the UCL Life Learning title.

On that note, the Distance Learning and Life Learning Forum which we share ownership of with Matt Jenner in UCL E-Learning Environments will be held on 5th November from 14:00-17:00 in Chandler House.  We have a marketing expert from Google who will be hosting an interactive workshop showcasing all the Google insight tools (many of which are completely free) that can aid with researching the potential market when you have an idea for a course.  To sign up for this, please visit Identifying YOUR market- tips and tools 5/11/2014 

If you want any more information about how to include courses on the new website, or you would like UCL Life Learning to meet with you to give any more information about the service and assistance that we can offer to help develop your short course portfolio, please get in touch at a.pretlove@ucl.ac.uk

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