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Hebrew and Jewish Studies blog


Library news and subject support for Hebrew and Jewish Studies


Phase 2 of Jewish Pamphlets project now complete

By Vanessa Freedman, on 1 August 2017

The second phase of our Uncovering UCL’s Jewish Pamphlet Collections project is now complete! In this phase we have:

  • conserved over 500 pamphlets with the help of specially trained volunteers
Before and after photos of conservation

Conservation of A Historical and law treatise against the Jews and Judaism (MOCATTA BOUND PAMPHLETS 27, no. 7)

  • digitised 172 pamphlets, creating over 6,000 images. You can browse and search these on our website

Title page

The tears of a grateful people by Hyman Hurwitz. London: H. Barnett, 1820. A Hebrew funeral dirge for King George III, with an English translation by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, printed on satin (SR MOCATTA PAMPHLETS BOX 18)









We are now planning phase 3, so watch this space!

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