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Ancient world studies/Archaeology


Library news for Ancient World Studies & Archaeology


Archive for the 'Databases' Category

Past Masters

By Jes E Cooban, on 14 September 2011

UCL has a trial of the Past Masters full collection until 10 October 2011.

  • On-site access is available here.
  • Off-site access is available via the link to Past Masters in the databases list.

Past Masters includes definitive editions of the complete works of seminal figures in the history of the humanities, including published and unpublished works, articles and essays, reviews and correspondence. It covers philosophy, political thought, religious studies, sociology, the history of science, economics and classics. Original language texts are available in Latin, French, German, Danish and Dutch, aside from English and English translation.

Please send feedback on this resource to ejournals@ucl.ac.uk

Rheinisches Museum für Philologie

By Jes E Cooban, on 11 May 2011

A major digitization project has just been completed and now all volumes of Rheinisches Museum für Philologie from the first issue of 1827 are freely available on the web (except for the three most recent ones which will still be available in hard copy at CLASSICS Pers)


Early European Books

By Jes E Cooban, on 1 September 2010



UCL now has access to the first collection of Early European Books.

Early European Books offers full-colour, high-resolution facsimile scanned images of pre-1701 printed European books.  The first collection includes all of the Danish Royal Library’s Danish and Icelandic imprints produced in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, from Breviarium Ottoniense (Odense Breviary) and Guillaume Caoursin’s De obsidione et bello Rhodiano (”On the siege and war of Rhodes”), both printed by in 1482, through to works by the astronomer and alchemist Tycho Brahe (1546–1601).

Scriptorium: medieval and early modern manuscripts online

By Jes E Cooban, on 19 May 2010

The University of Cambridge have just launched a new addition to Scriptorium, their medieval and early modern manuscripts on-line facility. This consists of a collection of digitised manuscripts of commonplace books and miscellanies dating from about 1400-1750.

Commonplace books and miscellanies are often neglected by manuscript digitisation projects, but they are a fascinating source of historical evidence, as is shown by this collection, which contains jottings and translations about a whole range of subjects, including alchemy, jokes, coinage, hunting, politics, medicine, science and even universities.

To access this resources, go to the home page at:


And click on the ‘manuscript collection’ link. There is a subject list which allows easy sorting of the material available and the papers of manuscripts can be enlarged for easy reading.


Art & Architecture Complete

By Jes E Cooban, on 19 May 2010

UCL has a trial of Art & Architecture Complete until 14th June 2010.

Art & Architecture Complete includes the full-text of more than 330 periodicals and 215 books in art and art history, antiques, archaeology, architecture, costume design, decorative arts, graphic arts, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and interior and landscape design.  It also has indexes and abstracts for nearly 730 academic journals, magazines and trade publications, and a collection of 64,000 images.

Please send feedback on this resource to ejournals@ucl.ac.uk

Oxford Reference Online

By Jes E Cooban, on 12 May 2010

UCL now has access to Oxford Reference Online, which can be accessed via the databases list.

Oxford Reference Online includes a wide range of cross-searchable dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press, with 1 million entries across 25 subject areas. Below are some examples of titles that are included.

  • Dictionary of Accounting
  • Dictionary of British Place Names
  • Dictionary of Chemistry
  • Dictionary of the Social Sciences
  • New Oxford Companion to Law
  • Oxford Classical Dictionary
  • Oxford Companion to Archaeology
  • Oxford Companion to Medicine
  • Oxford Companion to Military History
  • Oxford Dictionary of Art
  • Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
  • Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature
  • World Maps

Cambridge Books Online

By Jes E Cooban, on 24 March 2010

UCL has a trial of Cambridge Books Online until 16 April 2010.

Cambridge Books Online includes e-books across a broad range of disciplines, from science, technology and medicine to humanities and social sciences.

In order to access PDFs, you will need the username and password ucltrial

How to access a chapter from a title:

  • Select the title you wish to view
  • Click the “Table of Contents” tab
  • Select the PDF you wish to view
  • Enter the username and password ucltrial and click login
  • Click “Table of Contents” again
  • Reselect the PDF and you’ll be shown the full-text

Please send feedback on this resource to ejournals@ucl.ac.uk

London Review of Books

By Jes E Cooban, on 24 March 2010


UCL has a trial of the London Review of Books until 14 May 2010.

Encyclopaedia of Judaism

By Jes E Cooban, on 16 December 2009

UCL has a trial of the Encyclopaedia of Judaism from Brill until 2 January 2010.

UCL has a trial of the Encyclopaedia of Judaism from Brill until 2 January 2010.

The Encyclopaedia of Judaism extends from ancient Israelite times up to the present day.  It covers the religion, its diverse history, literature, beliefs past and present, observances and practices, and place in the context of society and culture.

Please send feedback to ejournals@ucl.ac.uk

SFX recommendation service

By Jes E Cooban, on 2 December 2009

UCL has a trial (until April 2010) of a new article recommendation service based on SFX.

The SFX recommendation service works in a similar way to Amazon’s “Customers who bought this item also bought…” service, but for journal articles.

During the trial, users will start to see recommendations appearing in some SFX menus that are based on searches (in databases, or in MetaLib) for articles.  The recommendations are derived from actual (anonymised) SFX usage data from SFX customers around the world, including UCL, and take account of articles viewed in the same session by significant numbers of users.  They offer another mechanism for researchers to find articles on their topic, as a complement to systematic literature searches.

Please use this form to give us feedback about this trial, or to request help with it.