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Ancient world studies/Archaeology


Library news for Ancient World Studies & Archaeology


Past masters

By Jes E Cooban, on 18 January 2012

UCL has another trial of the Past Masters full collection until 29 February 2012.

  • On-site access is available here.
  • Off-site access is available via the link to Past Masters in the databases list.

Past Masters includes definitive editions of the complete works of seminal figures in the history of the humanities, including published and unpublished works, articles and essays, reviews and correspondence. It covers philosophy, political thought, religious studies, sociology, the history of science, economics and classics. Original language texts are available in Latin, French, German, Danish and Dutch, aside from English and English translation.

Please send feedback on this resource, including your thoughts on which authors are of most interest,  to ejournals@ucl.ac.uk

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